Common Decency......Lets Keep it Alive!

I recently had an experience with one of the affiliate programs I *was* involved with. This experience did not surprise me, but did however, disappoint me. It is a sad fact that it did not surprise me and I thought maybe an article on this subject might bring it to our attention.

I did willingly join this program and accept the terms of which I do understand. However, when customers of this online business owner would email me with complaints about the product and the fact that the owner would not answer any emails, I definitely had to think twice about promoting this product and affiliate program.

So having decided this, I wrote the owner and asked if he could send me the small amount owed to me. I informed him I would not be promoting his product or program any longer and would like what was owed to me. His reasoning was, he would not pay me because I joined the program willingly and he had a minimum amount.

This I had to accept while thinking, "Wouldn't common decency dictate paying the small amount he owed to a former affiliate?" The money itself does not change my life in anyway of course, but the human side of this really bothers me.

I will credit him with being polite and professional in his emails, and I also did not get upset, but thanked him for the learning experience. I also stated that I would in no way run my affiliate program in that way.

Common decency would prohibit me from doing so.

I realize we are running businesses and need to make money, but do we throw away courtesy, decency, respect and consideration to do so? I think not!

I know I am not the only person this has happened to, as a matter of fact, it has happened to me twice. The first time being a much bigger amount. The program owner just dropped out of business and left his affiliates hanging.

As a whole, the people I have been lucky enough to "meet" online have all been wonderful, caring, helpful, respectful and decent. When I first started online, that fact was a wonderfully pleasant discovery! Over time however, I did run into a few people who needed to learn common decency.

So if you run a business/affiliate program, do not let money be your first priority, make people number one and the money will follow. If you owe somebody money/service. etc., pay them. If your affiliate decides to "resign" from your program show them your good faith and common decency. Pay them what you owe, even if the amount does not reach your "minimum"!

Their reasons for "resigning" might be totally false in your eyes, but you still owe them what they did sell for you. Common decency prohibits me from "blabbing" the product/program I had this problem with, but it is no longer on my site and if people ask me about this specific product/program, I will tell them the truth.

I am not out to get this guy, but cannot recommend a product/program that I know does business in this manner.

I usually don't write this type of "venting" article, but this topic is so very important, I thought I would make an exception.

So let's think about when we are dealing with customers, subscribers, Newbies, associates, affiliates, etc., we need to keep common decency and respect alive. Do not lose sight of our fellow human beings so we can have a few extra bucks in our pocket!

About The Author

Terri Seymour owns and operates

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