What Are The Symptoms Of A Sinus Headache?

Problems with sinuses, give rise to headaches, so you have to know the symptoms of a sinus headache in order to know if you actually have one. The sinuses are small spaces in the facial bones just below the facial skin. The spaces are concentrated in the nasal region, temples and around the eyes. Sometimes, due to infection, these spaces get inflamed with mucus and infected as well. Below are some of the symptoms of a sinus headache:

A gentle shake of your head can tell you if you do have a infection of the sinuses(sinusitis). If you move your head even slightly, the pain will increase and this is a good method of deciding whether the headache is actually due to an infection of your sinuses, this is one of the major symptoms of a sinus headache, and if you find you do have an infection, do not shake your head as this will give rise to even more shooting pain headaches.

Another method is to try bending over. The moment you lower your head you will feel as if there is something heavy inside your head. If doing so leads you to discover you have a infection of the sinuses, refrain from bending over until the infection clears.

There are many causes for sinusitis which are allergy, a deviated nasal septum, and severe cold, enlarged parts inside of the nose, and acute ongoing infection, and sometimes menstral.

More Resources

What Is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing in which a properly attuned Reiki Practitioner serves as a conduit for Universal Life Force (or ReiKi). The Reiki practitioner opens them self up as a conduit for a semi-sentient energy summoned from a higher source to facilitate healing or correct a person's aura.
Organic Bedding and Organic Mattresses by Prescription Only?
Effective January 1, 2005, California law requires all mattresses contain chemical based fire retardancy for "public safety". This law may become national within a year, and is under consideration by the Consumer Products Safety Commission.
Aromatherapy Favorites - Beautiful Rose Oil
Ah, Wonderful Rose OilIf there's an aroma that more individuals find deeply moving than any other, it is the oil of rose. The scent is divinely sweet, rich, and deeply floral - exclusive to the extract of history's most revered flower.
Everything Old Is New Again: Rebuilding Your Vision
Glasses, contacts, or surgery. These are the usual choices offered to those of us with bad vision.
Treating West Nile Virus with High Quality St. Johns Wort
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Vibrational Medicine
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Bath Time For Your Alzheimer's Patient
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Treat Cold, Flu, and Ear Infection the Natural Way
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Memory Loss
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Application Methods For Aromatherapys Essential Oils
BATH:Add 10-12 drops of a single oil or a blend to 1/2 Cup Epsom Salts or baking soda - or 5 drops to 1 TBSP of Epsom Salts or baking soda. Pour it into a hot bath while it is filling.
Kyolic Clears Constipation and Strengthens Your Colon
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More Fruit Constipation Remedies Part II
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Treating Arthritis - Naturally
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My All Natural Oasis
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Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Phantom Pain
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How To Use Cascara Sagrada as a Constipation Remedy
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Medieval Remedies That Still Work Today
Home Remedies - Facts or Quacks?In a previous article we looked at several possible definitions of a home remedy, and patched together a definition that met our mental image of such a remedy. If you missed it, here's the definition we derived.
Herbs For Protection
If you have never used plant matter in magic before, I explain in detail in the column Plants, Herbs and Roots for Prosperity the different ways these substances can be practically used in rituals and everyday practice. In brief, the main methods of using plant material to summon protection are: carrying the substance on your person in a locket or a sachet, boiling the herb and sprinkling the residual water around your residence, putting a sprig of it under your bed or pillow, bathing in a distillation of it or burning it as incense.
Hypnosis Way of General Indications of Deceit
When the subject is changed, he's in a better, more relaxed mood. The guilty wants the subject changed; the innocent always wants a further exchange of information.

More Alternative Information:

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