Toxins Make You Fat and Shorten Your Life

When your body is toxic, toxins hide and embed themselves in your body fat. This causes your cells and organs to become sluggish and lose efficiency. The fatter you are, the more toxins you can store. As your organs and body systems lose their ability to function properly, they lose their ability to metabolize and process fat effectively. This is one reason why some of you find it difficult to lose weight - your body is not functioning properly.When you start to lose weight, this causes fat to be used up in your cells as energy and causes toxins to be released into your blood stream. If you lose weight to fast, you will have excess toxins released into your blood and this creates a variety of unhealthy symptoms and conditions - headaches, mucus, flu like symptoms, joint pains. Excessive toxins in your blood can remain there for over a year and cause you harm and that is why you need to lose weight slowly - like 2 lbs a week.What are toxins and where do toxins really come from? They come from

* The food you eat

* The meat you eat

* The vegetables you eat

* The air you breathe

* The thoughts you have

* The activities you have

Toxins are chemicals that the liver does not recognize as useful for the body. These toxins are destructive to your body cells and other body tissues. Toxins attack and destroy cell outer and inter wall surfaces. They destroy inter cell and gene structures. They create an acid body that attracts fungus, bacteria, parasites, worms, viruses, and many other pathogens.

Why doesn't the body get rid of toxins through its 5 elimination channels - the colon, the kidney, the skin, the lungs, and the lymphatic system? It definite does but as you get older the body becomes over whelmed with toxins and is unable to eliminate them completely through your elimination channels or neutralize them through your lymphatic system.

So what does the body do with all of these toxins? It stores them in your body cells and fat cells and anywhere there is weakness in your body. It stores toxins in weak parts of your body because that part of your body will not repel the them as easily as does the healthy part of your body. This makes this weak part even weaker and eventually becomes a diseased area or a cyst. If this diseased area is allowed to exist too long, it becomes difficult to repair and to bring it back into good health.When the five elimination channels can no longer push toxins out of your body, they themselves start to get clogged. Toxins, minerals, fibrin, and other body debris combine to form layer up layer of material that causes narrowing of elimination tracts. Eventually, illness result in many of the diseases you know.

How do you unclog your polluted body so that you can create good health? There are four basic step to take.

* stop putting junk food into your body (Changing your Eating Habits)

* clean out the toxins in your body (Cleansing)

* neutralize the toxins in your body. (Detoxification)

* put good pure foods into your body (Rebuilding)

Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "Natural Remedies That work." You can subscribe to his newsletter and read some of the back issues which give you information of how to have better health.

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