Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Hypnotism, and the Truth about the Funky Chicken!

Over two hundred years after this momentous event the world is still saying WOW in amazement to this gracious art. Hypnotherapy has come so far and I believe that we are now in an age where we now know so much of how the mind works and what makes us tick, that it is possible to successfully change our lives into the dreams that we wish them to be! During my time as a

Hypnotherapist I have enjoyed tremendous results from my clients, I put this down to my main work ethic, which is - When I work with someone my only aim is to help them achieve the kind of life that they desire through empowerment!

Hypnosis can be briefly described as an altered state of consciousness, just like daydreaming.

While in Hypnosis, changes can be made in the part of the mind that you don't consciously use, this is called the sub or unconscious mind. Also while in Hypnosis you will feel relaxed and comfortable and will be able to hear the Hypnotists voice guide you to make the changes that you want to achieve. Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state, as mentioned it's a bit like being in a daydream. You will know exactly what is going on around you, but also be so completely relaxed.

Hypnotherapy is also about empowering the individual to make changes in their life. So by coming just for Smoking, Weight Loss or Stress, you will leave your session being able to use Self-Hypnosis, to change and make the life you've always dreamt of.

Richard MacKenzie's success spreads far and wide in the world of Personal Development and Hypnotherapy, and he ensures his clients are advantaged by his vast wealth of experience and knowledge in the field of Self-Change. Richard gained much public exposure with the release of his book, SELF-CHANGE Hypnosis which is a complete guide to Self Hypnosis. Over and over again, he has personally helped many people in top and influential positions to realize their potential and to reach for even greater goals! Richard's work regularly takes him to all parts of Europe; however he never tires as long as he sees his profession and his clients developing.

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