Health Improvements for Your Family

Your husband always seems tired. Your son is always hungry. And your daughter? Well, she goes through enough hair products to try to make her hair look healthier, that you're sure all the chemicals she's using are going to make her go bald. So, what if there was a way you could increase your husband's metabolism, decrease your son's hunger, and give your daughter really healthy hair instead of hair that just looks healthy? And what if all that could be done from the juice of just one plant's fruit?

This miracle juice is extracted from the fruit of a plant called Morinda citrifolia, also known as Noni in Hawaii and Nonu/Nono in the Pacific Islands. Its juice, when drank regularly, can increase a person's metabolism to give the body more energy and help the body absorb more nutrients from the food that's eaten. So a person doesn't feel the need to eat all of the time. Also, because the juice from the Noni fruit is great for the entire body, hair and nails become stronger and shinier.

People have used the Noni plant for thousands of years -- a plant that was so well needed it was carried over seas with travelers who settled on a land that is now called French Polynesia. The Noni plant stands about 20 feet tall and it bears its fruit all year long. The fruit is about the size of a large pear. As well as drinking its juice as a tonic, its fruit can be eaten with salt (raw or cooked) and made into a curry. Even its leaves can be eaten as a vegetable and its seeds can be roasted for a healthy treat. The bark and its roots have also been used as a natural brown and yellow dye, respectively.

So what else is the juice from the Noni fruit good for? By giving Noni juice from Tahiti to your family you can clean out their bodies' toxins. This will help improve circulation, keep their bones strong, and their muscles fit. Grape seed extract and Vitamin C have been known as great antioxidants in the past, but lab tests have shown that the original Noni juice from Tahiti works better. And then of course, because your family's bodies are working in top form, their immune systems will be able to fight off those viruses that invade your family home at least twice a year!

It's always a good feeling when you know you are doing right by your family: you tell them to eat their vegetables, get plenty of sleep, bathe regularly and get a lot of exercise. Now, one more thing you can tell them to do to keep them healthy is to drink their Noni juice, and remember to toast to their good health when you do.

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