Natural Healing For The Body

Back-to-Nature Aromatherapy

Back-to-nature is a new health initiative by people living in modern society. Aromatherapy, which stems from natural plants, has also became a favourite in modern day living. Ancient medical healers use essential oils to heal people's bodies and aroma to soothe their spirits. As whiffs of fragrance drift through the ages of time, people living in modern society have even made use of the latest scientific research to develop the unlimited potential and precious deposits of essential oils, so as to improve the environment, enhance healthiness and beautify the spirit. Aromatherapy comes from the essence of natural flora and enters the human body though the air and the olfactory nerves. From there, it goes though the central nerves into our brains and, tapping on the characteristics of plants hormones, it is able to deliver beneficial effects to the body, such as the lungs, blood, emotional nerves, immune system and even aid in psychological aspects such as the alleviation or pacification of problems like depression.

Aromatherapy uses a simple natural method to kill bacteria and increase nutrients in the air that we breathe. At the same time, aromatherapy is able to allow the surrounding environment to create anions which are extremely good for the human body. Different plant fragrances will create different feelings and responses in our body. Aromatherapy uses the characteristics of plant essential oils to improve the health and balance between complexion, body, cognition and spirit, so as to achieve a state where the body, heart and spirit become one.

The Genie of Aroma - Plant Essential Oils

All plants will go though photosynthesis where the cells will secrete aromatic molecules. These molecules will assemble into aromatic pouches dispersed on the petals, leaves or branches. After extracting these aromatic pouches, we will get what we term as plant essential oils. The essential oils used by aromatherapy can be said to be the hormones of plants. They have the same building components and life energy as human beings. Essential oils are made from the amalgamation of different kind of molecules. These molecules exist together, in a beautiful proportion. As molecules are very fine and have a high penetration ability, they can effectively enter the body and not leave behind any toxins. According to research, pure plant essential oils will not be like chemical pharmaceuticals that remain in the body. They will utilise the body's excretory system such as urine, perspiration and breathing to purge out of the body. If the usage is correct, natural essential oils will have no side effects.

The natural aroma of plant essential oils, after entering into the brain via the olfactory nerves, is able to stimulate the frontal brain to secrete some hormones, so as to give a most comfortable state of mind. This is the best way to protect the spirit. One is also able to group different essential oils together to blend an aroma to one's liking. This will not damage the characteristics of essential oils and will even empower their functions.

The basic characteristics of essential oils can prevent contagious diseases and fight bacteria, pathogens and moulds. They can also prevent inflammation and convulsion as well as enhance cellular metabolism and regenerating abilities, making life even better. These essential oils can also regulate the inner secretion organs, enhancing the secretion of hormones and enabling the physiological and psychological activities of the body to develop well. Essential oils can even relax the nerves, enhance blood circulation, reduce depression, make one happier and enable cognition and psychology to reach a harmonious state.

Enjoy a "Forest Bath" at Home with Phytoncidere

The word phyton comes from a Latin word which means a kind of plant, while the word cidere means "to kill". Russian biologist, Professor Dunkinn, discovered that certain plans emit a substance known as "phytoncidere" when damaged. Phytoncidere, present in all plants, kill other living things in their surroundings. If living organisms such as amoeba of flu, cholera or diphtheria germs are placed near to freshly chopped leaves, the germ will be killed after a few minutes. Hence, it is apparent that plants have a self-immunity function which eliminate bacteria and fungi.

The Functions of Phytoncidere:

1. Eliminates bacteria.

2. Purifies air of pollutants to ensure smoother breathing for greater vitality.

3. Enters the body via the nasal passage to fight diseases and maintain physical and mental balance.

Scientific Research of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a method that premises on the absorption of active materials to heal, alleviate and prevent various diseases and contagion. It can activate vigorous elements in the body to fight all pathogen elements, achieving the effect of healing and boosting of the immune system. Aroma psychology that arises out of "Aroma Healing Studies" is a science that specifically examines the psychological state and inner responses that occur when one inhales perfume. It uses experiments and the results of various measuring instruments to prove the effects of aromatherapy. It is able to present the research results in a quantitative manner and enable aromatherapy to go the way of science.

Vitamin in The Air - Anion

Dr. Jacob, a biological science lecturer at the Public Health School at Harvard University, describes anion as "Vitamin in the air". Cation can cause headache, discomfort and increase blood pressure, whereas anion can decease blood pressure. An experiment can show that if a patient with high blood pressure inhales anion, his blood pressure will decrease and so will his pulse rate.

Effects of Anion:

1. Respiratory system: anions can enhance the fine hair activities in the nose sticky membrane, windpipe and bronchus sticky membrane; elevate the expansion of smooth muscles; help in the elimination of phlegmatic liquids; soothe the sensitive reactions of the respiratory system and is especially helpful to nose sensitivity.

2. Blood circulation system: lowers blood pressure, slows the heart rate, reduces the precipitation speed of red blood cells, lengthens the time for blood to coagulate and aids in the smooth circulation of blood.

3. Immune System: activates the dermis system function, elevates protein contents in the blood cells, hence increasing the ability to fight diseases.

4. Control bacteria in the air and reduce diseases to do with the respiratory organs.

5. Adjust and regulate the active response functions of the nervous system, hence soothing feelings of anxiety and uneasiness.

How Essential Oils Are Absorbed by the Human Body

Essential oils are absorbed by the body through two channels, the skin and the lungs. The skin is originally endowed with the functions of absorption and excretion. Essential oils molecules are very tiny and are able to penetrate into the skin and in between the lymph and cells, then spread to the blood in other parts of the body. Absorption method happens via the pulmonary alveoli in the lungs, into the surrounding capillary bloodstream and is able to release refined plant hormones into the air through aromatherapy, allowing the body to absorb quickly and achieve therapeutic benefits.

When the lungs absorb phytoncidere nutrients, it is not only healthy for the lungs, it will also forge a healthy connection between the lungs and the heart, as well as the heart and the blood vessels. So, after the lungs absorb this large amount of nutrients, it will send these nutrients to the heart, and the heart will then send these nutrients to the blood vessels, which will then send the nutrients to every cell in the human body!

Traditional aromatherapy uses the method of heating to allow essential oils to diffuse beneficial nutrients into the human body. To open up the path of healthcare and health science, the first step is to be acquainted with the functions of healthcare. This involves the complementation of "bio-tech aroma-vapourisation" products which Bel'Air has researched and developed. The birth of such products is another breakthrough created by Bel'Air in the research and development of its products. Aroma-vapourisation is the first key for aromatherapy to enter the domain of health science. Via this method, you do not need to place essential oil into alcohols but can directly drip a few drops onto the aroma-vapourisation base for the essential oil to diffuse. The effects will be even better. This world patented product owned by Bel'Air holds great significance and meaning for the medical world.

Nur Syahid, a Natural Aromatherapist, specializes in Bio-Tech Aromatherapy including oxygen therapy, ozone therapy, health aromatherapy.

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