Bring Peace and Serenity to Your Life Through Hypnosis!

Hypnosis: It happens to everyone, young and old, in everyday life and on special occasions. It is a state of being fully absorbed and attentive to such a degree that occurrences in the outside world become less important. It feels good to be in hypnosis. It is a time of total and complete relaxation for the mind, body and spirit.

Can anyone be hypnotized is a commonly asked question. Prof. McDougall, one of America's greatest psychologists, has shown by careful experiment at Harvard that 90% or more of perfectly normal healthy persons may be hypnotized. Does this mean that 90% of the world is weak-minded? NO. The very best of all subjects for hypnotism is one who can focus his thoughts as directed by the hypnotist.

It is common for people to fear hypnosis, usually because they know little about it or have been influenced by misleading portrayals in the media. Hypnotherapists help thousands of people each year.

Hypnosis can be a very powerful tool to change your habits, for example to help you give up smoking. But it is not a "magic cure" and is generally only effective if, deep down, you really want to give up smoking or whatever habit it is you want to change. If you do want to change for the better, then hypnosis may work well for you.

Hypnosis aimed at curing bad habits is far to resolve these. Sometimes the therapy will uncover grievances that our conscious minds have long forgotten, but which are lodged in more effective if it seeks to replace the bad habit with a good one. For example, the hypnotist will implant the suggestion that the clients will want to take some exercise, eat fruit, or drink water- rather than having a smoke, eating too much sweet food, or whatever his or her bad habit is.

Close relationships, including marriages, can begin to fall apart even without us realizing it or knowing why. A hypnotherapist will enable clients to discover the causes of tensions, and encourage them our unconscious

Worry, stress and anxiety can be extremely draining. While most of us may suffer this experience for only short periods, for a few of us worry is all -consuming. It becomes a habit, and we may even forget what the original source of our concern was.

Hypnosis can unlock those reasons and allow our unconscious mind to overcome the constant stress, worry and anxiety. In the field of medicine many amazing things have been done with hypnotism. The most spectacular are the major operations performed on the body while hypnotism is used on the patient as the only anesthetic. They are also performing simple to complex dental procedures with hypnotism being the only anesthetic.

Since the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, hypnotists have grasped the extraordinary power of hypnosis to control pain in patients. The experience of pain is passed through our body and nerves, through the spinal cord, and on to a receptor in the brain. In hypnosis the aim is to persuade the mind that it is not receiving the message of pain, even though the body is still aware of the pain-causing sensation. This phenomenon is known as analgesia.

One of the most painful experiences in a woman's life can be childbirth, which is why so many women understandably look for the most pain-free ways of giving birth. One of these is to do so under hypnosis it is a wonderful natural non chemical way to bring your baby into this world.

Hypnosis has great power to help you release the anger, fear, and pain of child sexual abuse without having to revisit the actually traumatic event. You simply discover the reaction to the memory and by reprogramming the reaction you reprogram the emotion that is connected to the event or memory. Hypnosis is a wonderful tool for turning negative behaviors, patterns, and internal conflicts around.

Hypnosis is an effective way of learning to use your deepest talents and skills to accomplish goals and change troubling habits. With the guidance of a skilled and compassionate hypnotherapist, hypnosis offers a unique approach to achieving changes that might otherwise be difficult or impossible.

* Stop Smoking
* Weight Loss
* Pre Surgical Hypnosis
* Stress Issues
* Overcome Fears & Phobias
* Migraine Headaches
* Children's Issues
* Restful Sleep
* Enhance Work or Sports Performance
* Trust Issues
* Self Image / Self Esteem
* Sexual Abuse
**** And many more***

Christine Hunter is a Master Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who has a practice in Portland, Oregon. Christine is a member in good standing with the International Association of Hypnotherapists, The International Board of Counselors and Therapists, The National Guild of Hypnotherapists and The Oregon Hypnotherapy Association. Hunter's background in the medical field spanning 12 years has brought a unique combination of talent to each and every client. Christine creates a custom program for each client, based on their special needs.

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