Do You Have What It Takes To Attract What You Want?

When you were a kid, did you play with magnets? They were almost magical, weren't they? It was always exhilarating to bring the magnet close to another object and to begin to feel that slight pulling sensation followed by the--snap--as the magnet and the other object became one. And, equally, it was always a little disappointing when the magnet didn't stick to the hoped-for object of attraction.

Discovery #1: The Laws of Attraction State "like Attract Like"

Do you know how a magnet works? At it's most basic, a piece ofmagnetized steel will only attract products of iron ore and notsuch things as wood or plastic. In other words, like attractslike.

Discovery #2: You Are Like a Magnet: What You Think Will Manifest Itself in Your Life

Do you think this magnetic principle is true in your own life? Do you believe that you can attract the things you want-likesuccess, power, and self-confidence?

Human beings are like magnets and the principle holds true: likeattracts like. Whatever is in your mind at any given monment is the thing you are inviting to come and live with you, just as a magnet "invites" iron ore, so too, you attract the things that are in your mind. If you affirm your positive thoughts, you will attract greater and greater good in your life. However, the opposite is also true. If you affirm self doubt and worry thoughts, you will multiply these pessimistic affirmations and attract more and more negativity into your life.

Discovery #3: Visualization and Effort Will Lead to Achievement

But thought alone will not completely magnetize you. As is true of anything worth attaining in life, hard work, dedication to your goals, and an unerring sense of faith are needed to actualize the ultimate attraction. If you can first think it--see it in your mind's eye and visualize it--and achievement will surely follow.

Discovery #4: You Can Attract the Ideals You Desire Through Right Thought and Action

If you are ready to begin attracting the ideals you truly desire, like prosperity, success, security, and self-confidence, then you should be spending your time paying attention to what you are thinking about during your day.

"Think the things you want. The profoundest philosophy is locked up in these few words. Think of them clearly, persistently, concentrating upon them with all the force and might of your mind, and struggle toward them with all your energy. This is the way to make yourself a magnet for the things you want.

Here is a 3-Step exercise you can do for a week to see what youare thinking about during the day.

Step #1: Get a notbook and pen and carry it with you wherever you go.

Step #2: Write down all your thoughts during a given day.

Step #3: After a week review your findings.

Barbara Johnson is the author of this article and the publisher of "The Secrets Of Getting What You Want" ebook. She has been studying self-actualization for over 15 years and she knows how you can unlock the door to a better life. Are You frustrated with the way your life is today? Do you want more out of life? Discover the Secrets to a Better Life.check out==>

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