Better Tame The Bull, Or, Youll Eat The Crow!

A man can stand a lot? as long as he can stand himself. Success is never Final and Failure is never fatal. Only failure to get back up is. The bull is lying to you and leading you down the trail of the pied-piper.

If you want to achieve anything worthwhile in life it is imperative that you approach your bull with an optimistic frame of mind. A positive attitude is the generator that brings all sorts of good things to you.

The bulls in your life will bring the rewards of; grief, disaster, tragedy, disease, death and the like in any person's life with the "devil is after me mind-set".

Did I hear someone say, yea, but the world has given me a raw deal? Did you realize that most people whom have taken a motivational course thought of themselves as a failure when they entered the course?

In a careful study of the reasons people take these courses, a significant pattern has resulted. The reasons they give are a tragic story of the causes of failure.

They say things like, I've never really had a chance to get ahead, my father was an alcoholic, my mother was a prostitute, I was raised on the wrong side of the tracks, I fell in the sewer when I was twelve years old and never could get the smell off. Yuk. Yeah, they say things that crazy.

I Got Shafted!

They are all saying in essence, I got the shaft. They will blame the world, their parents, their dog, they will believe they inherited their failure, and with this type of attitude they are severely handicapped.

When you are right, so will be your world.

Learn a lesson from a kid. I love kid lessons. They are so meaningful. A father was very busy one Saturday morning getting ready for a business meeting Monday morning. His seven year old son Tommy was very hyper and making his father unusually nervous. His father opened a magazine and found a huge picture of the world.

He ripped the picture out and tore in many pieces. He then gave the pieces to Tommy and said, if you can put this world back together, I'll give you a dollar figuring this would take him all day.

Tommy took the pieces of paper and in ten minutes had put the world back together. His father said Tommy how did you do it so fast? Tommy said it was easy. I found a picture of a man on the other side so, I figured if I got the man right the world would be also.

The father learned a great lesson in this. If you are unhappy with your world and want to change it, the place to begin is with yourself. If you are right, your world will be right. When you are right, the problems of your world are never uncontrollable.

You Were Born A Champion!

No matter what challenges you have faced or what obstacles you will face they are insignificant to the one you faced at conception. Because you were born, Victory is built into your genes.

Think about it, every living person has champion written all over them because they made it into this world.

Time to Defeat your Bullies!

Ok, See if this story strikes a nerve. Everyday Ben had to walk home from school by the railroad tracks. Several times a week a neighborhood bully would jump Ben and beat him up. He would scatter his school books and send him home crying.

Ben lived in a state of fear and self defeat. Something always has to happen to break the pattern of defeat. The victory that is always within us will not show itself until we are ready.

Ben's teacher encouraged him to read some books about heroes and champions. Ben really got caught up in some of these books and started seeing himself as the hero in the books he was reading, even dreaming about it at night.

Some months later, Ben was walking the same railroad tracks and saw the bully dart behind a building. He stopped and started to run the other way. Then he remembered the hero in the books he had read and started straight for the bully.

It was a brutal fight. Ben started fighting with such determination that caught the bully by surprise. All of a sudden the bully had a bloody nose, and then a bloody mouth, and then the bully started running.

After the bully ran off, Ben realized he had a bloody nose and bruises all over his body. But he didn't realize it until after the fight was over. It was worth it, it was a great day in Ben's life. In that day, he overcame fear, and self-defeat.

Ben was not physically stronger than he was the last time he got whipped by the bully. Then what was it? Nah???he wasn't the kid that fell in the sewer and caused that bully to run off holding his nose either. The difference came in Ben changing himself. He stood up in the face of fear and decided he would no longer be pushed around by his bully.

Have you whipped your bully yet? What are your bullies? Have you thought about it? Or, do you just let yourself get all stressed out with nobody to choke?

Choke The Bully!!

Remember this, it is one thing to talk about bull fighting, it is another thing to get in the ring with that bull. Well, I might get a fat lip. So What? The thing can't eat ya! Get in the ring with that bull and say this so loud that every sand flea in West Texas can hear you; NO MORE!! I WILL NOT FEAR!

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About The Author

Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" Teaching The Success System That Never Fails, at:

You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at:

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