The Big Key to Freedom

When our clients are exposed to our company, they are often impressed with how we really stress the concept of Freedom - and well they should be. Our central core value is Freedom, our web address is, heck- it's the name of our company! At the same time I see that the vast majority of individuals I meet do not have the kind of professional or personal Freedom they really desire and deserve. Do you?

If you listen to our two-minute trainings (a practice I strongly encourage), you may have heard me discussing what I call the "keys to Freedom" over the past few months. Last month was about having the right opportunity (click here to listen to past month's training tips.) This month's sound bite is about having or developing an effective system to unlock Freedom. Because it's just that critical, I wanted to devote this article to the biggest key of them all- making the right choices.

The role of our choices is central to how much Freedom we experience. In fact, we define Freedom as "the capacity to exercise choice"- and when I say exercise, I literally mean exercise like a muscle. The more you properly exercise a muscle's capacity to lift a weight, the larger that capacity grows, right? Same goes for your choices. The more you exercise your choices properly, the larger your capacity for choice grows. What we must be aware of in this analogy is two things:

1. Choice is inescapable. There is no such thing as not exercising choice. Whether you like it or not, you are always making choices, even when you choose not choose. As a result, the only possibilities are to exercise choice properly or improperly. There is no third alternative.

2. The consequences of our choices are also inescapable. When we exercise choice properly, our Freedom increases. When we exercise choice improperly, our Freedom decreases. There is no third alternative.

If you think about it, you'll see that this is true in every area of Life. As an example, if you make bad choices or no choices about your money, your financial Freedom will decrease. If you make good, proactive choices about money, your financial Freedom increases. I could give examples of this same cause/effect relationship in the physical, professional, spiritual, relationship and educational areas all day long, but you get my point. I encourage you and challenge you in the weeks to come, to be mindful of the choices you make every moment of every day and see the results they are giving you. You have the power to change your choices. When you do that, you change your Life immediately.

Be free!

Roger Seip

Roger Seip is a nationally known memory trainer. He has help thousands of students across the country improve their memory as well as study habits. His new program, The Student's Winning Edge - Memory Training, teaches students how to train their memory to study more effectively and get better grades. For more information on how your student can have a more Powerful memory visit or

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More Attraction Information:

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