Start Selling On eBay - Getting Started On The Right Foot

You've started your own eBay business and, even though it's part time right now, you know it's going to become a huge success. You are able to see the day when you can set your own hours, set your own dress code and call your own shots. The world is your oyster and you are raring to go. Just be careful you don't fall into the one of the major work-at-home traps.

Congratulations! But before you go any further, it's a good idea to insure that your new ebay business is built on a solid foundation.

One of the most often seen problems behind the failure of a home business is the lack of productivity. Many people, particularly when starting a part time eBay business, find that they just don't get things done.

When you have no one who you are responsible to, you may find that procrastination and poor time management begin to rear their ugly heads. It's important that you take some of the productive elements of a regular 9-5 job and incorporate them into your budding eBay business. Here are some pointers:

First: Setting a schedule can be crucial to your success. Simply saying "I'll get some auctions listed this evening" just doesn't cut it. It leaves too much room for something else to come up.

Set a schedule and stick to it. Maybe this is 9 to 3 when your kids are at school, or maybe late at night when the kids are in bed. Maybe you decide to get up an hour and a half earlier to work before going to your regular job. Regardless of the time you choose, make sure you honor it.

Second: Police your productivity. When working on your eBay business you're your own boss. There isn't anyone looking over your shoulder. This can be a great feeling, but it can also drastically reduce your productivity.

When you sit down at your work desk, make sure you're being as productive as possible. No computer games, no web surfing, no personal phone calls. It's not necessary your chain yourself to your desk - just be as productive as possible.

Third: Dress the part. This may seem silly to many of you, but it's extremely important. If you're dressed in sweats or your pajamas, your mind is much more likely to wander. It's fine to be comfortable, but dress reasonably.

Fourth: Create an effective work space. The basics of working at home can be more disruptive than you realize. If you're not careful your work can be interrupted every few minutes to deal with other things. If there's a television in the room or you're right next to the family phone, you're not going to get a lot done.

Set aside a quiet, out of the way space in your home and make it off limits during your work hours. This may be a spare bedroom, or just the corner of your bedroom. Whichever you choose, just make sure there's a door between you and the world.

Once you've established your workspace, go ahead and decorate it and keep it neat. Set up your space like a real office. Put up a couple of pictures, get a plant if you'd like, whatever you think will motivate you. Then keep your papers organized and your trash bin emptied. A nice looking, organized space will really contribute to your productivity.

Take your eBay business seriously right from the start. If you follow these tips, you'll find yourself getting a lot more work done, and that can mean more profit and more time to spend with your family.

Gary Hendrickson has been making his living selling on eBay for more than six years. He's the author of two eBay related ebooks, has a blog for eBay sellers, and is the owner of ColdItems.Com.

ColdItems.ComThe Auction Rebel Blog.

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