Use Auction Templates For eBay Success!

Auction templates are simply a must for successful online auction selling. One day I spent approximately 45 minutes writing a listing for an item that would make me about $5 in profit! I suddenly realized the stupidity of what I was doing. Here I was scheming and plotting to become a net millionaire - and I could work at WalMart and make more money than this!

It seems as though you are selling products on eBay, but really you're not. What you have to sell is:

* Your time
* Your knowledge

And you must maximize the use of your time, rather than spend it constantly writing listings. The best way to do this, of course, is with a template. A template is a pattern that you can use again and again, without having to write news listings every time you have an eBay auction.

Here is an example of a template that I used when I was selling ready-made websites on eBay:

I only had to make a few changes on the page, such as ...

* The picture at the top left
* The website name
* The appraised value

... and my auction was ready to list. Time spent: under five minutes!

Personally, I make my own templates, but if you do not want to do likewise, you might consider eBay's management service which offers templates as part of its package.

Naturally, there are many off-eBay auction templates as well.

Free template sources:

Paid template sources:

Without auction templates my eBay success would have been much less than it is. If you are selling the same items repeatedly, you must use templates or you will waste far too much time in repetitious, tedious tasks. Success isn't about killing yourself working 20 hour days, but about managing your time to make maximum profits.

Sydney Johnston, the AUCTION QUEEN, was one of the original sellers on eBay and has been selling on eBay since the winter of 1996. She is the originator and teacher of the famous Auction Genius Course, a powerful 16 hour multi media seminar on the Internet that teaches her students how to sell on ebay.

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