Attract eBay Buyers Like Crazy!

As an ebay(TM) seller it happens very often (too often) that listings close without any bids. Did this happen to you? Many sellers are frustrated and quit their eBay(TM) business. Have you realised that these fees from unsold items can sum up quickly. We asked ourself: "What are the reasons for so many items not being sold on eBay(TM)?"

We did some research on compared many listings on eBay and to see which sites get the most hits. Of course the item itself plays an important role. But we have also found that many ebay(TM) sellers try to sell their items with very unprofessional auction listings. There is just some plain black text with white background. Arrrgh!!! We have seen it many times. The answer is simple. Many listings are closing without any bids because they have a lousy design.

But auction sites with a professional design are more likely to receive bids. A recent online study has shown that attractive and professional designed internet sites convert better than badly designed sites. It's basically the same thing with eBay listings. If it is not in harmony with your eye, people click to another item. Remember, that they are on overage seeing your site for 10-20 seconds. If they like it, they may read it. If not, they'll leave.

But many eBay(TM) sellers don't know any thing about designing professional listings. Until now, these sellers had only the choice of hiring expensive third party auction services or to buy costly auction listing software.Auction Design has changed that. Every serious eBay(TM) seller can create their own professional auction sites without any knowledge of HTML and without spending any extra money for expensive auction services or software. We from auction-design-for-free think that every auction seller should have the right to launch professional designed auction sites without spending any additional money. The listing fees for auctions on eBay are high enough. There is no need for additional costs which would decrease your profit. set a new benchmark. This new released revolutionary step-by-step guide helps ebay sellers to get started and to get more bids on their items. This step-by-step guide has been written from ebay(TM) seller for ebay(TM) sellers in a non-technical easy to understand language.

Sit back and enjoy to be guided through every single step - supported by online video tutorials. With this new auction design secrets you can create your own professional looking listing with a breeze. If you are really serious about your eBay(TM) business and want to increase your profit you simply need this Step-by-Step guide. You will amazed how easy it is to make a nice looking auction sites on your own - For Free - without spending any additional cents and attract eBay buyers like CRAZY !!

Thomas Haselhorst is webmaster of
- a new website offering active ebay seller information how to design professional looking ebay auction sites without knowledge of HTML.

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More Auction Information:

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