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Sun Protection

The skin has a defence mechanism against sun-damage, in the form of melanin. The production of melanin is accelerated on sun-exposure. However, we have seen that this defence is not enough. That is why protection of the skin, with ingredients that block the sun's radiation damage, is so essential. These sun-block agents are incorporated into 'sunscreens'.

Avoidance of the sun, specially at midday and in the afternoon, when ultraviolet radiation is at its height, can help to reduce the harmful effects. It is also essential to know that ultraviolet radiation is greater near water bodies, like the seaside and where there is snow. Snow, water and even sand reflect the ultraviolet reays and thus increase their rffect.

Exposure to the sun also causes moisture depletion and dries out the skin. Therefore, it is essential to step-up moisturisation, when you have been out of doors for a long time. The use of rehydrant cleansers, which contains aloe vera, can also help to control moisture loss. Aloe vera, like sandalwood, also helps to soothe and heal the skin.

When you are swimming in the sea, or in an open-air pool, remember to apply sunscreen before and after your swim.

Protect yourself with a parasol whenever you are out in the sun.

Remember, you are exposed to ultraviolet radiation even on a cloudy day.

More about sun care:

About The Author

Nitin Jain


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