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How to Exfoliate Dead Skin Cells

Exfoliating dead skin cells is one of the simplest ways to achieve the fresh and healthy glow of new skin. After all, that's exactly what exfoliating is -- removing the top layer of dead skin cells and allowing the new and healthier skin cells to rise to the surface. Simply washing your skin with traditional soap and water isn't enough. To remove those nasty dead skin cells you will need to exfoliate your skin on a regular basis.

There are several reasons that exfoliating is good for your skin. Regular exfoliating gives your skin a more radiant look and a smoother feel. Over time, it can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and will contribute to your skin's firmness and tone. It increases the blood circulation in the skin, helps to remove toxins, rids your skin of dry, rough patches, and can even help to break down and lessen the appearance of cellulite, something we would all be grateful not to have. It enhances the effects of daily moisturizing by allowing the moisturizer to penetrate the skin more deeply. Although exfoliating is good for your skin, it should be done in moderation. Depending on the strength of your exfoliating product, most dermatologists recommend that you exfoliate your face one to two times a week and other parts of your body about three times a week.

The reasons for exfoliating your dead skin cells are compelling but just how do you go about actually doing it. There are such a large variety of products on the market today that it can be quite difficult to decide where to start. First, there are several natural ways to eliminate dead skin cells. One such way is to use sea salts. Simply wet the face, or wherever you're exfoliating, and apply a couple of tablespoons of sea salt to the dampened area. Using a washcloth or your fingers, gently massage the sea salts into your skin in a circular motion. Continue this for about two or three minutes and rinse with cold water. You can also make your own exfoliating cream by using 2 cups of brown sugar, 1 cup of Olive Oil, and ginger. Apply in the same fashion as mentioned above. The added benefit of these natural exfoliants is they are cost effective.

There are multiple products on the market today that you can choose from if going the all-natural route isn't for you. Most of these exfoliates will contain Beta Hydroxy Acids and Alpha Hydroxy Acids. These are both non-toxic, herbal acids that are effective in sloughing off the dead skin cells on the body.

Brian Fong

Exfoliating dead skin is one of the simplest ways to achieve the fresh and healthy glow of new skin.


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