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Mini Dental Implants in the U.S.

The concept of mini dental implants is a revolutionary method for supporting replacement teeth that used very small titanium alloy implant screws that would function free standing or in combination with natural tooth supports. The concept was pioneered over 20 years ago by a Dr. Victor I. Sendax, but not developed until 1997 after collaborating with a colleague, Dr. Ronald A. Bulard.

Mini dental implants were formally introduced to the dental industry at a conference in 1999 and today represent one of the fastest growing and most successful segments of the dental product industry.

In most cases, mini dental implants are used as a stabilization method for a lower denture. Over 50,000,000 people lacking teeth in the U.S. alone, and many of them experience frequent pain and discomfort as a result of loose-fitting dentures. With the aid of mini dental implants, the stability of the denture and subsequently the confidence of the wearer can be significantly improved.

For those seeking mini dental implant procedures, many dental offices in New York City and other large metropolitan areas boast decades of experience in dental implant research and surgery. Such offices make it possible to tighten and stabilize a loose-fitting denture in just one visit to the center.

The best offices cite shorter recovery times, lower cost and a lack of significant invasive surgery as the main benefits to those electing to seek mini dental implants as opposed to the standard variety. Implants can be set by of professional in just one hour and patients will leave with an increased confidence, ready to eat, smile and speak like they would with a full set of natural teeth. With virtually no discomfort on the part of the patient, mini dental implants are an attractive option for those individuals seeking cosmetic surgery.

Top-notch dental implant offices are located throughout the country, from Las Vegas and Los Angeles to New York City, including several mini dental implant centers in New Jersey, Boston, Chicago and Canada.

Dental Implants Info provides comprehensive information on the procedure and cost of standard and mini dental implants, and focuses on the Las Vegas, Los Angeles and New York regions. Dental Implants Info is the sister site of Rhinoplasty Web.


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