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The Facts about Rhinoplasty Nasal Surgery

Rhinoplasty is a surgery to reshape the nose. This is one of the most common surgical procedures performed in the United States. Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the size of the nose, change the shape of the tip or bridge of the nose, narrow the span of the nostrils, change the angle between the nose and upper lip, or correct a birth defect or injury as well as relieve breathing problems. Rhinoplasty can change appearance and increase self-confidence but you will not necessarily end up with a "perfect" nose.

The best candidates for rhinoplasty are people looking for an improvement in their nose and not perfection. You also must be physically healthy, psychologically stable, and have realistic expectations of the future results of the surgery.

Are there any risks to rhinoplasty? Any surgery creates a possibility of complications, including infections, nosebleed, or reactions to anesthesia. Reduce your risks by carefully following your surgeon's instructions before and after surgery. After the surgery, small burst blood vessels may appear on your nose as small red spots that are minor but may be permanent. There is not usually any scarring if the rhinoplasty incision is inside the nose. When an "open" technique is used there is a small scar on base of nose but it is usually invisible.

Some tricks for planning your rhinoplasty are having a high level of communication with your surgeon and his office. Discuss the rhinoplasty techniques that are to be performed, what kind of anesthesia will be used, and the risks associated with the surgery. You need to communicate to your Doctor about any previous surgery's you might have had, especially nose surgeries. You also need to tell your Doctor about any allergies you have or breathing difficulties as well as any medications, vitamins, or recreational drugs you have taken. If you smoke, you need to tell your Doctor as he/she might have some advice for you concerning smoking. If you have any questions, let your Doctor know so that your nerves will not get irritated.

To prepare for your surgery your Doctor will give you guidelines on eating and drinking the day before, smoking, what medications you can and cannot take, and washing your face. Carefully follow the Doctor's instructions to ensure your rhinoplasty goes smoothly and you heal quickly. Be sure you arrange for someone to drive you home after your rhinoplasty and help you out for a couple of days afterwards at home.

In part two of this article you will learn what to expect during your rhinoplasty and afterwards.

Cosmetic surgery is becoming tightly linked with good health as it helps promote a persons feeling of well being - when you look good you feel good. Here, Mike talks openly about rhinoplasty and how to best prepare yourself before and after the surgery. Get the full details on Mikes site here:


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