Blogging Your Way To Success Part 2

(Continued from Blogging Your Way To Success Part 1)

By now, you have already configured your blog name, description, personal profile, and the page template. As soon as you set up your blogging account with Blogger, you will need to do this next:

Post At Least 20 Articles
While this may sound like hard work, there is no short cut around it. This, you have to do. It is mandatory. Why?

Before you start whining, let me remind you that you are in business. If you are serious enough about making your money then this should not bother you much. Now, the reason I ask of you to post at least 20 articles is because you need to have a REAL website to be in the game of Internet Business.

In the later part of this series, you will find out why this is important for setting up your AdSense account.

Anyway, post at least 20 articles. I recommend you post 25 or 30 articles to start with. Your articles need not be long. At least 200-500 words would do. Post them all in a day, if possible.

Be sure that your articles are relevant to your topic or niche. For example, if you are authoring a blog on Internet Marketing so let all your articles be related to Internet Marketing.

If 20 articles sound very hectic for you, you can source for other people's articles from article submission web sites such as and as long as they have reprint rights and you include the authors byline. This can give you a good start but be sure not to keep using other people's articles too often as this can damage your own reputation in a long run. Very soon, you will need to write your own articles. This is your blog.

Keep A Daily Archive
If you would browse your Blogger settings, you will want to set your archive to "archive daily". So now, you have at least 20 articles which mean 20 posts. And since you have set "archive daily", you have at least 20 pages of REAL content now.


Get A Feedback Form
This is the next important thing to do on the list. You want people give you their feedbacks, comments, suggestions and also constructive criticism. This involves more technical knowledge. If you are not familiar with scripting, I have two great sources where you can get the scripts for free and does not require a lot of technical knowledge.

Set up the forms on your blog for your visitor's convenience. You want to know what they think of your web site and at the same time, find out what their demands are so you can cater to them accordingly.

In the next part of the series, we will get you an account with AdSense.

(To be continued in Blogging Your Way To Success Part 3)

Copyright © Edmund Loh

About the Author:Edmund Loh is the author of the E-Biz Wiz Blog and Starting An Internet Business Special Report. Visit E-Biz Wiz Blog for proven ideas, tips and information on starting your own Internet Business and subscribe to the 12 Day Internet Marketing Success Course.

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