Know These Five Audiences to Write a Top Selling Book

To create a saleable book you need to know your preferred audience or audiences before you write your book. This essential "hot-selling point" helps you write focused, organized, and compelling copy your audience will appreciate and talk about.

Speaking directly to your reader on each page makes you the savvy author your readers will appreciate and respect. Solving your audience's challenge or problem creates happy customers who will spread the word about you and your book. Which audience below will want to pay $15-$40 for your book?

Which of These 5 Audiences Suits your Book?

1. The Audience you Meet in the Mirror

Authors write books because we love the ideas, the content, the skills we will share. We usually write the book for ourselves first. Have you heard, "I wrote the book I wanted to read?" Our passion for our topic can create success so long as we stay with a marketing and promotion plan for 2 plus years.

2. The Target Market Who Wants Answers Now.

No, not everyone will want your book, although many authors say so. Your target audience has a common need or problem. Your product or service will solve that problem. For instance,'s book already has an audience who wants a solution now. They are desperate at this point, and will do anything. They will pay any price for your magic pill and will buy on the spot.

In just 2 years this site sold 150,000 books. The author answered the rejected spouses' dilemma compelling them to buy now.

Divorce often comes as a surprise, so without much time to negotiate, and because of great pain and discomfort, this audience wants a cure right now. It's only after the doctor announces a prostate serious problem that most men look for an answer. Prevention didn't appeal to them. Only the doctor's wake up call prompted action.

The more narrow the target, the more angles your book takes, the easier it is to sell

3. The Short-Cut Time and Money Investment for a Big Payoff.

This audience wants a roadmap to where he or she wants to go--fast! This audience wants to know how to do something-- to write a book, to make money Online, to promote their business Online, to put up a top-selling Web site. They also are looking for the least expensive way to accomplish their goals. No more money down the drain for them.

For instance, print and ebooks that show entrepreneurs a short cut to finish their books, and get them sold fast, so their cash flow builds big enough to multiply profits fast is the right audience for books about publishing, business or book promotion.

Once the book is near completion, how can authors make continuing sales that make up one-fourth to one-half of their income? Still relatively unused, the Internet provides this answer because of so little competition there.

4. The Massive Passionate Audience.

These are the readers of the Chicken Soup series. Think about the 70 million plus sold so far, and the authors didn't even have to write the book. Full of inspirational short stores, this audience responded well. The authors did, however, put on a full-blown marketing campaign for years.

Your book will have a lot of competition in this category, yet the sheer volume of sales like the 70 million who shop Wal-Mart every day can make up for that. One client wrote a how-to book aimed at the now 70 million baby boomers out there called "Put Old on Hold." She's an inspiration herself--looks and feels like 50.

Think about your book. Is one aim to entertain and inspire?

5. The Online Audience of Millions

If you are like me, you love your book(s) and want others to benefit from reading it. But, if you are discouraged at the number of sales through traditional methods, you may want to consider the Internet.

First, when you write for Online, you can offer your print book electronically, now known as an eBook. You need make only a few changes such as shortening up your chapter, paragraph and sentence length. Busy people who shop Online want their information concise, clear, and cohesive. They don't need long stories to learn a point.

This audience is more than happy to download and print out chapters of your book. They will appreciate your book in 81/2 by 11" form or other, and think total page length up to 99 acceptable. The savvy author can make many more sales by dividing and conquering. A 15-page chapter can become a short eBook. You also have a built in promotion machine in your book, because you excerpt short pieces to submit to Online ezines and Web sites as this article excerpt from the eBook.

E advantages include no telling or selling in person, no travel, more convenience such as instant delivery and reaching greater numbers of your target audience. The author keeps all the profits, and doesn't have to package and mail. His faster sales bring him marketing and promotion money--where most authors don't usually succeed. He can invest in books, seminars, coaching, or teleclasses to bring him up to speed.

Every day you can reach 1000's, even hundreds of thousands, using simple Online promotion techniques. Here you can sell your book through subtle forms such as the Free article or ezine. The varied Online audiences including personal growth and business want Free information. Your book sales will multiply fast because in every email you send out, you include your signature file that leads people to where you sell your book.

Even the newbie or non-techie like myself can benefit from writing for the Online audience.

Use these "know your book audience" tips and examples to write compelling copy that will guarantee your writing adventure a true success. Your audience awaits!

Judy Cullins, 20-year book and Internet Marketing Coach, Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," and "How to Market your Business on the Internet," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says...and Business Tip of the Month at and over 140 free articles. Email her at

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