Top Ten Non-Techie Steps to Market your Book Online

Are you an author who is looking for new ways to promote your book or business? Does the traditional promotion you do take too long and not bring you top results? Are you willing to investigate easy non-techie ways to get more book buyers?

Check out these ten steps within "Ten Non-Techie Ways to Market your Book Online:"

Step1. Ten Steps Preparation and Foundation

When marketing your book Online, you need to attract the right customers to your Web site. Online promotion is cheap, convenient, saves time, and beats traditional ways 10 times over. What costs less works best. Discover 10 ways to get ready to reach your target audience who want your book.

Step 2. Why Use Articles to Market your Book on the Internet

Want to reach 10,000 to 500,000 of your targeted readers each day? And spend nothing? With the largest sales? Discover this number one Online book promotion technique for lasting exposure and thousands of willing visitors will visit your Web site and keep coming back. Solve non-working traditional promotion with Judy's short cut secrets for fun and easy. Get your book into the hands of your best audience--the one on the Internet.

Step 3. How to Write Your Short Article

Get from unknown to known with short articles you share Online with thousands daily. Write short articles in less than an hour, and leverage one article into five to attract new potential book buyers to your Web site. New content seen often by your audience turns lookie loos into buyers.

Step 4. How to Submit Your Articles to Opt-in No Spam Ezines

Millions of ezine subscribers in your field want your free information. They subscribe to ePublishers who distribute your articles. You benefit because you don't have to build your own email list. Judy shows you the steps to join, submit, and increase book sales exponentially. Her delegation tips will help you get listed in the top 20 Websites and quadruple your profits in no time.

Step 5. How to Submit Articles to Top Web Sites

Send your articles to high traffic Web sites related to your book's topic to get well known on the Internet. Judy shows you the seven simples steps to submit new content. Viral marketing like this not only brings new visitors coming to your Web site and keeps repeat visitors. More time on your site equals more book sales.

Step 6. Market Your Books Through Your Own Ezine

To attract trusting, faithful ongoing customers, create your own ezine. Benefit them with tips, announcements, articles, and resources to build your targeted subscriber list. From a few to thousands a year. When you give them reasons to buy, they become your 24/7 sales team to help your readers and sales grow. .

Step 7. Sell Your Books With Your Own Book-Selling Web Site and Blog

Before you call your Web Master, power write your Web site home page. Give your visitors a reason to buy so your book sales will explode. Save yourself time, money, and frustration because not all Web Masters know selling. Judy shows you how to write ad copy for each product or service--that bios and welcome signs don't sell. Try out a blog (Web log) and bring new visitors who will want more. More time on your Web site=more book sales.

Step 8. How to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Book Site

Promoting your Web site brings book sales. Without it, no one visits your site. Why pay to fail with high effort, expensive, traditional marketing? Learn Judy's High Level Activity approach and proven Online techniques to get known throughout Cyberspace and to keep visitors coming back.

Step 9. Generate Targeted Traffic Through Reciprocal Links

Reciprocal linking with related high traffic Web sites brings multiple traffic to yours. Like testimonials, link exchanges imply approval and recommendation. Apply Judy's six free ways to find linking partners and get seen by your audience through this great viral marketing technique.

Step 10. Online Networking: It's an Adventure, Not a Job!

Know that you are not an island; you are more than your computer. With a friendly note attached to a business exchange, you create not only more book sales, but also more adventures and friendships. Get published in large ezines, exchange ads and shares success stories that can be yours. The Internet playing field has leveled, and people yearn for contact and collaboration. High yield natural marketing means developing relationships. Give and receive to keep this "friendly marketing" going.

Now that you know the steps contact a professional bookcoach who knows Internet marketing and promotion, or another good resource who can help you with the how to's. Books and the Internet--A marriage made in heaven.

Judy Cullins ©2005 All Rights Reserved.

Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Judy is author of 10 eBooks including Write your eBook or Other Short Book Fast, Ten Non-Techie Ways to Market Your Book Online, The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Your Targeted Web Traffic, and Power Writing for Web Sites That Sell. She offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, "The BookCoach Says...," "Business Tip of the Month," blog Q & A at and over 170 free articles.

Email her at 619/466-0622 -- Orders: 866/200-9743

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