Mind Machine Interfacing


In 1984 I was partnered with a Cable TV engineer and founding father by the name of Ray Osborne. He was working with people developing oscillating noise loop broadband technologies. These technologies were eventually bought by the Pentagon to use in untappable secure message or information transmissions. I imagine this technology now uses the Quantum teleporting and faster than light methods put out for contract in late 2001 by Mr. Everett of the Durham Army Depot. Ray had earlier worked with the Canadian Department of Communications on a brainwave enhancing device similar to a helmet and things I had read about that the Russians believed would someday allow the mind to move mountains (even literally) according to Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain.

Ray told me about an experiment they did with him and another person wearing a helmet with energy inputs and electrodes attached to this helmet he wore. As the experiment was about to start, Ray had a need to have a cigarette and as he reached to get one and light it up, the thought energy directed ESP (or brainwavelength ability) was sent to the person across the courtyard who was sitting in the window so they could see each other. That person was sent into a coma and his hair turned white - thus ended the experiment on that day. Ray was not part of continued experiments and I suppose they considered stopping it for a while but I cannot believe they did not continue these researches. The military loves to have these things and they would rationalize that they must have the ability to counter any enemy who might have them too.

The Russians were the ones who tabled the removal of non-lethal weapons from the research of all signators to SALT. The Americans recently removed themselves from SALT on a uni-lateral basis. I believe SDI and HAARP are connected to these things and I fear other mind-control machines such as Dr. Persinger of Laurentian University is working on with the Earth Energy Grid will be involved. This will happen whether he and his boss Jack Verona of the Defense Intelligence Agency in the US know it or not. Los Alamos is working on a further refinement of superconductive helmetry and brain enhancements under the acronym SQUID as we see in this posting from my neuroscience forum. I do not have the original source of the posting but will follow it with another posting linkage to the University of Toronto research and related matters.

"Magnetic measurements of brain activity could be free from noise in the future thanks to a new helmet-like device developed by medical physicists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the US. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is the only technique that can directly measure neuronal activity in the brain, but it is plagued by background noise that interferes with signals from the brain itself. The new helmet could provide much more accurate information on brain function (P Volegov et al. 2004 Phys. Med. Biol. 49 2117).

MEG is a non-invasive technique that provides detailed information on the brain in almost real time by using superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) sensors to measure the magnetic fields generated by currents flowing in and around neurons. However, these magnetic field signals are extremely weak -- typically between about 10-14 and 10-13 Tesla -- and are therefore easily overwhelmed by background magnetic noise. Although various techniques exist to reduce this noise, none are entirely satisfactory because they can also reduce the size of the signals produced by the brain itself.

The helmet designed by the Los Alamos team is made from a layer of superconducting lead and is placed around the SQUID sensors (see figure). The helmet needs to kept at temperatures below 8 kelvin -- in a liquid helium cryostat -- for the lead to be superconducting. The device works on the principle that Meissner currents flow on the surface of the superconductors in the helmet. These currents expel magnetic flux, therefore preventing any external magnetic fields from penetrating the helmet. Moreover, unlike previous methods, the helmet can be placed close to the head without affecting signals produced by the brain.

The scientists have already tested their helmet on real patients and say that background noise signals can be reduced by more than six orders of magnitude, making it the most effective system to date. However, the device still needs to be improved because noise levels are still relatively high around the brim.""Vortex dynamics in superconducting systems imaged by Scanning SQUID MicroscopyAbstract

Using a Scanning SQUID Microscope (SSM), we have studied vortex distributions in various superconducting systems. The excellent flux sensitivity of the SSM allows us to resolve individual vortices for low flux density. Field cooling produces quenched vortex patterns which can be disordered in strong-pinning Nb films or well ordered into a lattice in a-MoGe films with weak pinning. Surface steps alter the field-cooled patterns, with vortices formed in dense rows along the low side of steps with few vortices near the high side. We observe an asymmetry in the dynamics of vortices around the surface steps under the application of a driving force. The vortex line tension impedes vortex motion from thin parts of the superconductor to thick regions, while not affecting the opposite motion down the steps. We have also investigated the behavior of vortices in thin superconducting strips in a perpendicular magnetic field, a complex problem due to the large demagnetizing effects. These geometrical barriers are frequently encountered in transport measurements on high-Tc superconductors. Strips with transverse surface steps as well as strips with a uniform cross section have been imaged. We are attempting to correlate the observed vortex distributions with transport measurements of the vortex dynamics in the strips."

Author of Diverse Druids

Columnist for The ES Press Magazine

Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com

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