Executive Coaching and the American President

Perhaps no one better than a former U.S. president has the right to advise executives:"The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it." -Theodore Roosevelt

As a former president, President Theodore Roosevelt might have been reflecting upon his own experiences as the executive presiding over many members of government. His executive coaching reminds leaders that choosing wisely and requiring proper accountability are key elements to being a good executive.

President Roosevelt served as the nation's president at the start of the 20th century. Exactly one century later, George W. Bush took on the reigns to become the first president of the 21st century. Although 100 years has brought about many advances and changes in America, the role in leading America has remained unchanged. The president of the United States has a very important role to the nation and world so any executive coaching from his predecessors like Roosevelt to recent former presidents like his father would have been helpful.

The President's cabinet is another great resource for his executive coaching. While the president resides over the executive branch of government, he relies on each of his Cabinet members to aid him with their knowledge and expertise. For example, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is a notable public figure because of the war situation in Iraq. President Bush will work in partnership with Rumsfeld to propose recommendations on the U.S. defense strategy. When President Bush came into office, he had the ability to modify the organization of his Cabinet, appointing associates he deemed right for the position. He appointed 15 secretaries in their field of specialization ranging from commerce and agriculture to veteran affairs and homeland security.

Becoming the 43rd president of the United States, President Bush worked hard to be where he is at today. It is no question, that to become president, he was groomed with executive coaching throughout his years of experience in politics and business. Before politics, he was a successful Texas businessman in the oil business. In 1988, he helped his father run a successful presidential campaign to become the 41st U.S. President. In 1994, Bush was elected the governor of Texas for two consecutive terms. With a brother currently serving as Florida's governor, President Bush has become a veteran recipient of executive coaching.

While President Bush stands as the leader of our country, it is not without the help of years of experience and colleagues that has helped groom his appointment as President. In 2008, a successor will take over as President of the United States. It might be wise for the nation's next president to seek executive coaching from President Bush.

Stephanie Tuia specializes in internet marketing for CMOE.

To learn more about Executive Coaching, please contact one of their Regional Managers at (801) 569-3444.

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