How to cut a cake

Have you ever wondered how to cut a cake? I have had a lot of practice. When I turned 16 and requested a Spider Man sheet cake I busily honed my cake cutting skills by making concentric rectangles and then served up the master piece. My family all refused to eat stating lack of presentation skills. Since that time my skills have, thankfully, been refined. Here are tips to cutting a round layer cake.

First select a knife you are comfortable holding. A long slender knife works best. Begin the first cut about two inches from the edge. Cut along the entire edge of the cake keeping the knife in about two inches. Your cake will now have an outer ring two inches wide.

Next cut the outer ring into two inch wide slices. This outer ring is perfect for those who enjoy a lot of frosting. To serve use a cake spatula and easily lift each slice from the outer ring of cake.

Follow these same steps with the center of the cake. This technique will give you uniformed attractively displayed slices every time.

By serving the outer ring to those who enjoy the frosting this leaves the moist inner cake to those with less of a sweet tooth.

Shauna Hanus is a gourmet cook who specializes in creating gourmet meal plans. She has extensive experience cooking with easy to find grocery items to create delightful gourmet meals. She is also the publisher of a no cost bi-monthly gourmet newsletter. Her newsletter is always fun and informational packed with tips and trivia you can use everyday.

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