Old, New, Borrowed, and Blue: Unity Candle Craft Project

We have found a "new" way to see how well the stabilizers and methods you are using are working with so that your designs

Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. There are plenty of crafty brides out there looking for a unique design for their unity candle. They want something that is as special and unique as their wedding day. Many artists are ready and willing to custom make a Unity candle for an eager bride - and charge anywhere from $30 to $200 - and that's not with any gold-plating or diamonds set into it!

As an alternative, take some of the "momentos" from your upcoming wedding - perhaps a copy of your invitation, some ribbon or tulle to match the gown and do it yourself! This project is as simple or as complex as you make it out to be, and you're only restricted by your imagination. The best part about this candle is that it will never burn away! We will embed a tealight in the top of the pillar so that you only have to replace the tealight when it burns out. Ultimately you will have a lasting momento of your special day that you've made.

You will need:

7-9" pillar candle
2 clear-cup tealight candles
1 pencil
1 teaspoon
1 tape measure
1 hot glue gun
as many items to decorate your candle as you see fit.

Choose a candle 7-9" tall and about 3" wide at the top. Round candles are easiest to decorate, but the candle must be at least 1/4" larger around than the tealight. Pick a candle that sits flat. We're going to carve out the top in a minute so that the tealight will nestle down inside. If you have unusual colors for your wedding, try finding a candle in a coordinating color.

Place the tealight cup in the center of the top of the pillar. Do your best to center it. Trace around the outside of the cup. Set the tealight aside. Measure the height of your tealight.

Using a warm spoon, melt out the wax around the wick of the pillar candle. We want to "carve" or melt out a space for the tealight to fit. Work slowly. It's easier to melt out extra wax than it is to add back wax. We can fill in with hot glue, but we'd rather not do that if we don't have to! Continue to melt down the interior of the candle, and trim away the wick, until you have reached the depth of your tea light cup height. Test your "well" by fitting the tealight cup into the space you are creating. Once it sits flush with the top of the pillar, you're all set!

Let your candle cool. Once we begin to decorate, you'll need to work quickly - especially if you're using High-temp hot glue. The softer your pillar candle, the more likely it will melt under the heat of your glue gun. Therefore, always apply the glue to to your decoration, not your candle. If you are applying many items - beads for example - allow the candle time to cool every 5-10 minutes to prevent melting.

Because the candle doesn't burn down, most any type of decoration can be used on the candle, including paper, cloth, etc. The wax should never drip, as it is contained in the tealight cup. This is a great and economical way to add a personal touch to your wedding ceremony. Some decorating suggestions:

1. Cut your invitation out in an oval or heart shape. Adhere it to the candle and edge the invitation with lace or ribbon.

2. Take beads that match your gown and push sequin pins or hatpins into the candle to hold them into place (no glue required).

3. Glue your picture on the candle and decorate with ribbon. This not only makes a wonderful momento for you, but a great gift for your wedding party, as a reminder of their role in your special day.

4. For my wedding, I took a new white pillar candle, spiraled old silver ribbon from the top to the bottom, then turned the candle over and spiraled pale blue ribbons in the opposite direction, creating a checkerboard effect. Then I glued blue and clear crystals borrowed from some old earrings in the center of each "square". Something old, new, borrowed and blue on a candle that will last for a lifetime!

Best of luck, and best wishes on your special day!

Lisa Robbin is the Director of Product Development for the giving candle, the maker of Heavenly Gems resin-based clear candles. Lisa writes articles on all things candle related in an effort to educate consumers about making the most out of their candle purchases.

You can email her directly at lisa@thegivingcandle.com

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