Debt Settlement Strategies

One of the most common social diseases remains dormant for a long time. And when it raises its head, it reveals its monstrosity slowly. What is the social malady? Think. More than a million Americans are affected by it. Yes, I am talking of the ugly disease known as debt. Most of us don't think when we go on a shopping spree. This happens more when we are armed by those devil-in-disguise plastic cards, better known as credit cards. Credit cards are useful, but they can easily ring the death-knell of all fun and frolic with their bills.

Once you incur debt, especially credit card debt, you have few options left to redo your life. However, these options are highly effective. One of the best methods to deal with enormous amounts of debt is to consolidate all your debts. What is debt consolidation? When you incur multiple debts, all at high interest rates and feel victimized by abusive creditor calls, contact the nearest and the most reliable debt consolidation firm. How will you know it is reliable? If they tell you they will eliminate all your debts in days in lieu of a hefty fee, step out immediately. Further, they may give you a quote over the phone itself, even before you have paid them a visit. These are indications of smooth-talking moneymakers.

Say, you have decided upon a debt consolidation company. Their first job is to club multiple debts into one, slash high interest rates and make you pay only one low monthly installment. Secondly, they step in between your creditors and you. Creditors stop calling you once and for all. The debt consolidation experts try to convince your creditors to reduce the interest rates charged. Some creditors actually reduce your charges!

However, if you have hit the pit, debt consolidation may not be the right solution for you. Don't lose heart. There are ways to take you out of this misery. Say your financial condition is so poor that you cannot afford to pay even the minimum payment required per month. Due to this, you fall out of the debt consolidation program. What you enroll in is known as the debt settlement program.

Debt settlement strategies work differently. Your advisors in the debt settlement program will force you to save money in your own bank account or in one of their holding accounts. Meanwhile, they will talk to your creditors and convince them to reduce your interest by 50% to 60%. Once that deal is settled, the financial experts will start paying your creditors in batches. The advantages of the debt settlement strategies are these. You don't need to starve to pay the minimum monthly payment by neglecting any unforeseen emergency. Also, you get time to save and change your lifestyle.

Ultimately, it is always wiser to avoid the debt trap. If you can manage your finances in such a manner that you owe nothing to creditors, then you are the smartest man alive! If you are thinking that can happen only in a utopian world, you are highly mistaken. There are many who plan their finances in advance. Make a budget for yourself and the whole family at the beginning of the month. Live by it and swear by it. Don't buy things that you don't need. Don't buy stuff just because your friends are buying it. Live life in your own terms. If you can't resist the temptation of credit cards, hide them somewhere so that you don't get to use them often. Carry cash; this will help you stay in control.

Author : Medha Roy
Date Posted : 09 -July - 2005
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