Cure Against Depression and Low Self Confidence

Depression strikes most of us and it can make us paralysed. It is essential that we do not let it get too much influence on our lives.

Cure against depressionPractise this cure on a day off.

* Have a healthy and balanced breakfast in your dressing gown.
* Take a warm shower or sauna.
* Rub your skin with body lotion and your feet with foot creme.
* Put on some comfortable clothes.
* Go for a long walk.
* When you come back home, make yourself a cup of hot tea on St. John's Wort, rosemary or lavender.
* Make yourself comfortable in your favourite armchair.
* Read a good book or magazine.
* Listen to your favourite music. (It should be cheerful)
* Make sure you are warm. Slippers and a blanket may come handy.
* Be sure to have fresh air in the room. Take some deep breaths to fill your lungs.

Great self confidence can be learned

You can learn how to be confident about who you are and what you can do. You can learn how to tolerate uncertainty and be confident with not knowing what is going to happen.

Some tips:

* Write down your positive achievements, all that you can remember; educations, jobs, loves and relationships (even if they ended, you still achieved them), friendships, children, driving licence... Look at what you already have and realize you have done rather well.

* Write down good things that others have said about you. Read through old documents from former employers or teachers that state all your strong sides. Maybe you forgot you had them?

* Make plans. Ask yourself what can be done. What can you change to make things better? Write down precise goals and write a step-by-step plan on how you intend to achieve your goals.

*Decision. Make a decision that tomorrow you will start dealing with the first step of your plan.

When you read what you have written you will realize that you have grown and developed over the years. That also means that you can grow and develop further.

Ingela Berger started her own Internet business Lifestyle Plans in 2003 out of a desire to inspire and encourage others to make reality of their dreams of a personal, healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Ingela has studied theatre directing, history of art, and leadership psychology. After some years working with art exhibitions and the theatre she is now back at school to become a health and lifestyle consultant.

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