If You Have Diabetes, You May Be Entitled To No Cost Diabetic Supplies

This article is intended to inform people with diabetes in regards to their diabetic supplies. When I found out that my sister was diagnosed with the disease I started to research more and came across some useful information that might be helpful to others.

Diabetes is the country*s sixth leading cause of death by disease. As you may know it is the leading cause of blindness, kidney disease, heart disease and amputations. Diabetes claims the lives of more than 193,000 Americans each year. Approximately 18.2 million Americans have diabetes, but one-third of those are undiagnosed. And many people that do have diabetes pay for their diabetes supplies. If you have insurance and live in the United States, you may be eligible.

As of May 2004, forty-six states have some type of laws requiring health insurance coverage to include treatment for diabetes. The states not included are Alabama, Idaho, North Dakota and Ohio.

As of 2002, two states, Georgia and Wisconsin passed an expansion of current coverage requirements. In 2003 Hawaii adopted a resolution to clarify its mandate of diabetes education coverage. No new laws were passed during the first four months of 2004.

About 17 million Americans have diabetes today, including about 16 million with Type 2. In addition, at least 16 million more Americans have pre-diabetes -- a condition that raises a person*s risk of getting type 2 diabetes. However, a diagnosis of pre-diabetes does not mean that diabetes is inevitable, and the new campaign aims at encouraging people to take modest steps that will reduce their risks. Nationally, diabetes has increased nearly 50 percent in the past 10 years alone, according to CDC estimates.

It is good news that more states are passing laws to further expand health coverage regarding diabetes. If you have diabetes and insurance, most likely you can get your supplies at now cost.

Go to this url: http://www.nadmedia.net/diabetes-supplies-atnocost.asp and click on the "get more information" link to see if you qualify for no cost diabetes supplies.

This article was written using various sources. Some of the statistics may not be up to date at the time of this writing.

About The Author

Rob Wiley has spent the last 13 years serving the media industry in fields involving graphic design, marketing, website design and development. His experience has been shared with numerous businesses that have profited from his advice and skills. Read this and other articles at: http://www.Nadmedia.net/articles

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