Top Ten eBook Mistakes and How to Correct Them (Part 2)

Did you know that you already have an eBook inside you? And, like your coach, you can earn thousands of dollars each month?

Even if you are a non-techie like me, you can write your ebook at the same time you write your print book. Or, solve your readers' problems using other articles and reports already in your files. Expand a two-page article with a story or add other how-to's.

If you want to double and triple your present book income, check out these mistakes and correct them now.

Part one of this article is available at

Mistake 6. You don't leverage your e-Book for higher price sales.

When you look at the valuable information inside your e-Book and you realize you only make $20 a sale, you may want to investigate putting it into an e-Course. These courses sell for $79 and up. With just a little revising and tweaking, you can set your book up to be a hands-on how to course.

You can bundle several lower cost e-Books and list their singular prices. Then offer a fabulous discount to buy all three or four.

Mistake 7. You don't add bonus value to your e-Book.

Whenever you put 2-4 bonus special reports at the end of your e-Book document in Portable Document Format, you make your offer so appealing, that many will buy for the bonuses alone. For an e-Book on How to Write your E-Book or Other Book - Fast! an e-Book that sells for $24.95, the author offered these three valuable bonuses as an incentive to buy. "Titles Sell Books" - value $4.95, 2. "Write Like a Pro Checklist." - value $3.95, and 3. "How to Get Testimonials from the Rich and Famous" - value $5.95. That's $15 of valuable reports added to $24.95--Total value: $40.00 value for only $24.95.

She put a new link on her Web site "Discounts of the Month." With a limited time offer, from her e-Promotion bi-monthly offers, she got many new buyers. Everyone wants useful, original information. Everyone also wants a bargain.

Mistake 8. You put too many topics in your book.

Remember, best sellers focus on one main topic. Each chapter must support that subject. When you try to give too much, your information isn't organized, short, and compelling. Instead of the end all, be all book, concentrate on one "how-to" and give plenty of details to make it useful to your reader.

Mistake 9. You don't market while you write.

Most writers wish someone else would do it for them. Not in this lifetime! It's so much easier to put marketing into each chapter title, each chapter's questions you will answer, rough draft of your e-Book's back cover (sales letter), the One-Minute "Tell and Sell," and knowing your targeted audience, thesis and table of contents before you write a single chapter. Knowing these essential "Seven Hot-Selling Points" before you finish your e-Book will have you ready to promote the second you write your last word.

Mistake 10. You don't brand yourself, your business, and your book.

Some people join an affiliate program or set up an affiliate program for others to sell their products and sell many products. As a marketing coach, what I want for you is to think of the overview "umbrella" you can house your products under. Think about your biggest benefit you offer through your service. Think about your book title. Can you put a key word from it into each chapter title? For the book, "Passion at Any Age," the author put the word passion in each chapter title such as "Passionate Self-Care". In one client's book, "Watch Out! Your Relationships Can Be Hazardous To Your Health." the author included the key words "watch out!" in each chapter title.

The e-Book earning curve while short is important for all writers to conquer. It's easier when you contact a professional coach or take a teleclass to inform yourself. Stop making e-Book mistakes so you can earn the money you deserve.

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