How To Find HOT, Non-Internet Marketing Topics For Your eBooks

It's so tempting to write ebooks yet again, on "How To Make Money on the Internet" isn't it?

You see the thousands of books pitching the next big tip, technique or strategy for making money online.

You get a flood of email from guru's who have made it big in the world of internet marketing products, writing ebooks on that topic. Or have they really made it big?

OK, They Are Going To Lynch Me For Saying This!

Could it be that these gurus HAVE to be highly visible, run seminar after seminar and stay in your face to be able to LIVE marketing to this niche?

Honestly, I know many of the best online marketing professionals out there - and they are far from living like Donald Trump.

Yes, they make take a vacation - but rest assured, at least part of it is a working vacation.

It's true, the internet marketing niche market is quite a responsive one, but there are BIG problems...

First and foremost, it's quite small,

The keyword selection is quite tiny, and...

It is one of the most competitive markets out there

So what am I trying to say?

Make Life Easier For Yourself, Pick Another Niche!

These are monthly searches, followed by the number of sites that already offer products to this niche and the top bid on Overture Pay-per-click (a definite indicator of competitiveness):

Internet Marketing: 115,903 - 11,600,000 - $3.51/click

Marketing Online: 23,157 - 11,400,000 - $6.02/click

Dog Name: 221,290 - 1,950,000 - .10/click

Wood Working: 74,382 - 4,840,000 - .54/click

Storage Shed: 55,252 - 689,000 - .62/click

If this doesn't make you run away from targeting the internet marketing niche - nothing will!

Let's say you focus on writing a special report, book or membership site focused on naming dogs - including other dog-related information.

You would have roughly double the demand, approximately 80% less supply and a 35 clicks more per dollar than Internet Marketing, and over 60 more clicks than Online Marketing.

Bottom line is...Capitalize on Opportunity Filled Niches

There are hundreds upon hundreds of other niche markets with little competition, cost effective traffic and eager customers that you have a much greater probability of getting to.

I have been spending significant time capitalizing on these niche markets over the last 6-months.

Here's How To Find Hot Niche Markets

Pay attention to what's around you.

Take notice of what books, magazines, media are popular.

What is the latest demand for cookbooks, health, business, exercise, self-help, pets, travel, etc...

A terrific way to get started is to setup a mini-site, write some articles, create 4-5 product categories and find affiliate products to test out different ideas.

Make sure you collect opt-in subscribers by creating a brief minicourse or automated newsletter. This will quickly give you a market you can survey and discover new product opportunities.

This is a perfect system because you can get started within days, begin earning profit very quickly, start building content to attract search engines and bundle into future products, all the while learning about your target market - identifying new product and service opportunities.

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