Resell Rights Power

The Quickest Way To Have A Product To Sell On The Internet

Creating a product from scratch that you can sell on the Internet will take some time to do.

Writing a book, for example, can take weeks or months to complete. If you're not a writer, or if you've never written before - this can be a daunting task. You will either not start, or abandon it halfway.

However, you can instantly get a book to sell and keep most or all of the money you generate from it if you can find an author willing to sell you resell rights to his book. This is rare, but you may be lucky enough to find a few that you really like.

I'm using a book as an example here, but it can well be any product. I use books because of its awesome power of duplication that suits an Internet Business perfectly, especially when they're in electronic form (e-books). More on this duplication and leverage principles in upcoming issues (hang on to your seats, it'll BLOW your mind!).

Resell Rights can come with the product together (which means that you buy the product, and you can immediately resell it), or you can buy it separately from the product(which means that you buy the product, and then the resell rights to it so that you can resell it).

Either way - you can now have an INSTANT product by just paying for the resell rights. Then all you concentrate on is setting up your Internet Business, and marketing it to your Prospects.

You've cut short your time by weeks or months in not having to create a product of your own.

Resell Rights

Books with Resell Rights usually come in 2 flavors:

1. Basic Resell Rights

Here you have the right to resell the book to your Customers, but your Customers have no right to resell them.

2. Master Resell Rights

Here you have the right to resell the book to your Customers, as well as the right to resell the Basic Resell Rights itself to your Customers. Your Customers who buy both the book and the Basic Resell Rights can then resell the same book to THEIR Customers. Sometimes Master Resell Rights are bundled together with the purchase of the book only.

This means that you don't have to pay separately for Master Resell Rights.

Depending on your objectives, either type of Resell Rights can be suitable for you. If you don't want to have too many competitors, Basic Resell Rights is the right one for you. If you want to have many competitors, then Master Resell Rights is right for you.

It boggles the mind of some people who can't understand why anybody would want to create more competition for himself.

The simply answer is this - the more competition you have, the more money you will make!

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