Set Goals: Increase Motivation and Get Results!

By Rebecca McClain

If you dread getting out of bed every morning, then more than likely you don't have an agenda to motivate you. If each day represents more of the same old mundane routine, with no vision to drive you, then you have no expectations for which to look forward. Each day is a cycle of the status quo.

On the other hand, you might be very ambitious, but you're not seeing any real results because most of your time and energy is spent strategizing, rather than moving forwarding and executing your strategy. Many of you can relate to this scenario. You know what you want, but you're not seeing the results you desire because you don't have a clear, written plan of action. A primary reason for a lack of motivation is not having a vision to which you aspire nor a set of goals to measure your progress.

Setting goals for your work and family will increase your motivation and get results. Every Sunday evening I sit down with a pen and notebook and write out my agenda for the upcoming week. This week my focus is on creating a web-based E-Program for Entrepreneurs. The program consists of seven action steps, of which, my goal is to complete three of them. Given the additional action items on my schedule, as well as the unforeseeable, it's a possibility that I won't complete all three action steps on my to-do list. Nevertheless, setting goals will motivate me to keep my priorities straight, because I also have a drop-dead timeline for completing all seven steps. Without setting specific goals, I would likely drag out the time it takes to complete the most important tasks and waste valuable time, thereby prolonging the outcome that I wish to achieve.

What would you like to accomplish in the next month, six months or a year? Perhaps you desire to write a book, go back to school, start a business, create new roles and responsibilities on your job, relocate or plan a mini vacation. Whatever your particular aspiration might be, setting goals will inspire you to take action, stay on course and accomplish your endeavor.

In setting goals, start with the outcome you desire and the timeframe in which you would like to achieve your goal. Next, set realistic short-term, mid-term and long-goals that will help to measure your progress. If you find yourself lagging behind schedule you will need to re-visit your goals and either take more aggressive action to meet the timeline or set more realistic goals that are achievable.

Goal setting should be a part of your everyday life, irrespective of whether you're embarking upon a major life transition or a weekend getaway. What is the next endeavor you wish to pursue? Get it out of your head and write it down! Writing out a clear plan of action will motive you to get started, keep you on target and manifest the outcome you desire.

Setting Goals will help to motvate you and get results!

Rebecca McClain is a certified life and business. She is the founder and president of Life Treasures, LLC. As an entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach she is recognized as an expert in personal and professional success and fulfillment.

More Resources

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More Goal Setting Information:

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