Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!

By Rebecca McClain

Our daily lives can be filled with small annoyances-you lock yourself out of the house; you receive a call from the principal's office; a shopping cart puts a ding in your new car; a neighbor's dog poops in your driveway; the shoes you ordered arrive after the event; your boss forgets to approve your reimbursement report prior to leaving for a two-week vacation; a "friend" was heard talking about you behind your back.

Whenever we're faced with an adverse experience, most of us react in a way that doesn't serve us well. We tend to overreact and become consumed with the incident. No doubt you've been on the receiving end of having asked someone, "How was your day?" To which, they rambled on and on about all the little nuisances they encountered throughout the day.

We lose sight of the larger view when we spend too much of our time and energy swatting at the annoying little "gnats" in life. If left unchecked, we can spend our entire lives dealing with one drama after another. When, in fact, it's just not that big a deal! When we learn to become less reactionary and more perspective-minded, our lives will be richer and more satisfying. By adopting a softer approach, life is easier to navigate and people are easier to accept. It's a position of strength, not weakness. Here are four winning attitudes that will lead you to your place of strength.

You're Not Perfect. Accept the fact that, as long as you live, you will always be striving for perfection; it's a journey and not a destination. Rather than getting irritated the next time a police officer pulls you over and gives you a ticket, just admit that you ran through the traffic light and be mindful not to do it again.

Compassionate Produces Peace. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. People won't always live up to your expectations. That's where perspective comes in. So, your sibling didn't repay the money you loaned them on the date promised. Give them the benefit of doubt before rushing in, "Fire, Aim, Ready!"

It's Not About You. When people wage unprovoked attacks and innuendos against you, understand that's it not about you-it's about them. Don't waste your time trying to answer every attack and explain your every intention. Stay focused on the big picture.

Life Happens. Regardless of how good you may try to live, bad things will happen. Sometimes you will find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Don't play the blame game; take responsibility for your life and keep moving. In the end, it will all work out.

The world watched as President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton went through the Monica Lewinsky scandal. It was not small ordeal. But I like Hillary's response when asked the question, "How is it that you didn't throw in the towel?" She said, "I wanted to crawl in bed, pull the covers over my head and have a nervous breakdown, but I just didn't have time!" Like Hillary, we have to learn to handle life with grace--in the small stuff and often in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity. On the backdrop of life and eternity, it's all small stuff!

Take Action Challenge

Quote this serenity prayer each day this week before beginning your day: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference." --Reinhold Niebuhr

Rebecca McClain is founder of Life Treasures LLC, a life enrichment company. As an entrepreneur, author, speaker and life coach, she is recognized as an expert in personal and professional success.

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