Retail Recruiting

By Peter Emerson

The process of retail recruiting requires an energetic and experienced group of professionals, equipped with retail industry information and skill. There are recruiting agencies that specialize in delivering national and international retail industry requirements.

Retail recruiting may involve filling various positions, such as the CEO, president, senior vice president, director, manager, or engineer. Retail recruiting also involves the procedure adopted in the case of account managers and account executives.

Retail recruiting differs due to the potential prospects having diverse backgrounds. The database is large, and there are many applicants with different educational backgrounds. In the case of the candidates currently working with the organization, it becomes easier to assess and communicate with them.

It is suggested that every employer turn to current and former employees, suppliers, and customers. Employers should reward them properly for recognizing quality and for referrals. It is recommended for the management to measure and allocate awards to all managers, depending on how well each of recruits and retains the existing talent.

One of the advanced tools for successful retail recruitment includes the creation of a profile. The short-listed candidates may have many things in common and making a profile of the top employees, is a good idea. The management can make use of this concept of the behavior profile to fine-tune the retail recruiting process and build a referral program and get every employee to become a recruiter.

Another aspect of retail recruiting involves the management looking for people who are not aware of the firm or product. This may apply in the case of the product being too fashionable, expensive, or not used by the community. This means that the prospective employee has to be made aware of the product by the distribution of free samples.

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