Update Your Network with Data Center Automation Solutions

By Kimberly Green

If you’ve ever worked as part of an IT team or been the brains behind such an operation then surely you’re aware of data center automation. Unless you’ve been isolated in the same server room for the last decade you know that automation has changed how IT departments are run, helped to make them more productive and have helped make business application and their servers more reliable. However as most of us stay with one company for years at a time it can be easy to get pigeon holed and what you may not know is that many of the companies that do automate often do so improperly or operate on such a grand scale that they often end up with to much, not enough, or the wrong tools.

All too often when a company makes the decision to automate or further automate their networks and systems they form ostentatious plans without ever considering just how much automation they actually need. These businesses often end up spending a great deal of money on tools that either won’t be compatible with their networks or tools that simply won’t deliver the goods. It has become common for businesses that decide to automate to try and do so on the cheap. Both those that try and cut corners and those that go to far always have two things in common in that they both spend an exorbitant amount of money and almost always must restart the process.

Performing analysis and research on both an IT department and a network is where the process should start once the decision to automate has been made. From here smart IT professionals and business owners will spend time looking over various vendors and automation solutions. This process can take several months and should be a lengthy process if an individual wants the automation process to work for their business. Those interested in pursuing automation need to wary of vendors that will try to oversell their services and products as well. With all of the benefits that automation brings with it, it’s not hard to fall prey to an overzealous sales person.

Once the proper tools and a trusted vendor have been chosen an IT department should be dissected to determine if they are capable of handling the implementation process. Reason being, many companies mistakenly purchase the tools needed for automation only to find that their team of IT professionals is to inexperienced to complete the project or will improperly complete the task. This leads to more spending, more time, and if a business is not careful, a loss of clientele. A majority of companies that offer automation solutions also make available, things like consulting services and in some cases send out their teams to assist yours during and after the implementation process.

Data Center Automation is a process designed to streamline IT departments, make them more productive, and help trim IT budgets. The process rarely fails for businesses that put automation into practice though when it does, it can almost always be attributed to overeager executives most of whom lack knowledge of the process and see only dollar signs at the end of the automated tunnel. Taking the time to break down and acknowledge what your business and its network really needs can determine whether or not automation will work for you. As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is an automated network.

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