How to Build Better Business Alliances

By Abe Cherian

Judging by the popularity of instant message programs, chat rooms, and discussion forums, it would seem logical to conclude that people enjoy interacting with one another in an almost anonymous, virtual environment. Although people enjoy the anonymity they still crave attention and relationships with other people. Sometimes, the internet is so impersonal, and cold that getting a nice email from an actual person that doesn't want your money is almost exciting.

People especially enjoy interacting with those of similar interests. Why not use this to the advantage of your business? Internet marketers don't usually have anybody in their lives that shares the same passion. And, as a whole, Internet marketers are very passionate about what they do and love discussing it with others who share that same passion. By creating friendships with other online marketers in your niche you open yourself up to a world of possibilities.

The ability to build an alliance with someone powerful and successful in your field is literally priceless. A lot of businesses survive on their contacts alone. With a good contact you open up to joint ventures, exchange of information and ideas. Affiliate partnerships, market research, years of experience, links to your site These friendly contacts, all which are call "alliances," can provide you with the leverage that you need, not only to learn quickly, but to market your product to large audiences of people fast.

Having an alliance is many times better than just proposing a joint venture to someone for several reasons. First, a joint venture proposal to someone you don't know will be treated with so much skepticism that your chances are slim to none. Whereas getting a JV proposal from a trusted contact whom you have been exchanging emails with regularly for a couple weeks will get much more consideration. Building up a friendly alliance with someone online is a lot like making friends in the real world. People don't like to be badgered, they don't like know it alls, they don't like back-stabbers, they don't like needy people, and they don't like it if you follow them around and use up their time.

It is recommended contacting someone for the first time via a short email. Compliment their site, explain who you are, and then ask them a simple question that wouldn't compromise their business. This way, you won't use up too much of their time but your inquiry demands a response. When they email you back, follow a similar format but offer more information about yourself. Write a longer email. Try to keep a volley going back and forth and after a while see if they have an IM name. Infuse your emails with your personality and become curious about them, their motivations, and their life. Before long, you will have a friendly business contact with someone that could pay off in infinite ways.

Getting business alliances to promote your product Before seeking to ask a business alliance for any favors, such as blasting your ad their list. You must already have a powerful, proven sales process in place before you seek their counsel and/or assistance. Do not become overzealous and assume that someone has the same belief and passion for your product as you do. All too often we become prideful and think that our product is the best when, in fact, others do not share the same appreciation. If you are seeking to have someone with a big list send out an advertisement for you product you would have to be careful in how you went about it.

Someone with a big list and a successful business is, most likely, busy. They probably get hundreds of emails a day. Unless your proposal is credible and attractive to them it will not get consideration. The majority of people and especially entrepreneurs are cautious by nature. They will not undertake a joint venture unless you can prove that you can make them money, that you are reliable, and that your product will not tarnish their reputation. Make sure that you don't waste their time. Don't insult them with a hyped up sales pitch about how much money they can make if they sell your product. If you are trying to get them to mail something to their list about your product include statistics, documentation, and, if possible, your actual product.

Find an ad that pulls extremely well, through testing. Know the conversion ratio and have everything documented. Let them know that you are legitimate and that you are selling a high quality product. Nobody wants to get involved with someone who is going to tarnish their reputation. Give them specific, documented conversion statistics from similar advertising campaigns Make sure and state what is in it for them. Are they going to get a share of your backend profits? Are you going to sell their product to your list? Tell them that promotions for your product have been going well.

Tell them that your particular ad converts at a specific ratio. Tell them that you think they should give it a shot. You do, of course, want to be sure that what you are recommending will turn out to be profitable for them. Otherwise, they won't ever work with you again. And don't just pop this sales pitch out of no where or the person will feel used. It might be a good idea only to mention the idea and then if they sound interested fill them in with the details.

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