The Winter Of Discontent

By Dr. Tim G Williams

As the winter of discontent surges to every corner of the globe there are painful reminders of who many voted for last fall. The hindsight of which too many failed to heed the warnings of Senator Sanders has surfaced through the national consciousness. Yet, our democracy in action paved the way for a demigod, narcissistic and power hungry individual to gain the seat of power. The seat of power that he abuses with every stroke of the pen.

Some are beginning to think his days are numbered while others fear a more serious outcome. But, one thing is certain the face of America has turned it's back on the poor, the hungry and the feeble of millions who seek refuge in a world torn apart. The America that I once knew was a compassionate beacon of hope and light in an otherwise darken world. Now, we have an administration that has dimmed that beacon of light and hope trapping millions the world over to languish in desperation waiting and even dying while the darkness closes in.

It is as though the Statue Of Liberty has now begun to shed tears of sorrow and woe. The flow of tears all across this nation continues to spread. For many of my generation now feel the weight that our grandfathers felt during World War II. What made America great during histories darkest hour and right after the war was our leadership, and our society pulling together welcoming diversity and a common benevolent goodwill in communities all across the land. Today, vast differences has emerged much like the McCarthyism of the early 1950's which has now raised it's ugly head by the tone, rhetoric and actions of this present administration. The goodwill of the late 50's and 1960's where protectionism is now replaced by isolationism. This at a time when we need every country to join hands in preventing another catastrophic World War. Yet, that is precisely where we are headed if this President continues to ignite flames of hate and animosity with every word he utters.

America is a great country after all. But, with the antics of this President and the mindset of many Republicans are destroying any chances to preserve America's greatness. The priorities of Trump were well stated before America went to the polls. They were in fact against everything America had stood for. Yet, after the votes were counted what we knew in advance still the votes carried this lunatic into the highest office in the land. A very sad commentary for the times of today.

The question we all should be asking how long can we the American public sit back and watch our freedoms, our liberties, and our way of life be forever stripped from the moral fiber of this country? Is it too late for America? Is this the beginning of the end of this noble experiment that Benjamin Franklin once stated. The priorities of this country are such that we must have security, stability and a prosperous population. But, so far the agenda that is being laid out before the American people the exact opposite is going to be the result if nothing is not done to put the United States on course to restore that beacon of light and hope for the rest of the world.

The winter of discontent will only continue if this President continues with policies that creates more bigotry extinguishing that beacon of light and hope. We have to recognize that there is a realistic plan of direction that will restore that beacon of hope for all mankind. It is not disguised as an ambiguous far out directive but a substantial agenda that spells out just how to bring millions into that light of hope, prosperity and security not only in the United States but for the rest of the world. That is the purpose of National Economic Reform's Ten Articles of Confederation.

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