Voters say they made the right decision in electing Donald Trump

"Forget the pundits who belittle the resolve of the Trump Administration to live up to the promises made to voters. The fact is that Mr. Trump has a well-documented to-do list and he's lost no time in checking off the tasks he's completed in the less than three months he's been in office," says Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens.

Weber says the proof that he's doing what voters expected of him is in a new poll conducted by Washington Post and ABC News. The survey shows that the overwhelming majority of his base - 98% -- say they made the right decision in November and that they are happy they voted for him.

"We put great stock in Mr. Trump's accomplishments during his first 100 days in office and there are those who cynically say he didn't do all that much. But the facts speak for themselves. He set the world straight about America's determination in the area of foreign relations. Think Syria, North Korea, Russia and China. And, he asserted our leadership in the United Nations by appointing Nikki Haley to be the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.-a diplomat who doesn't mince words and expresses the views of the American people."

Weber points to the president's orders to roll back intrusive regulations that were "stifling" the Nation's ability to create jobs and improve the economy. In fact, as the Wall Street Journal noted in a recent editorial, "So far the Trump Administration is a welcome improvement, rolling back more regulations than any President in history."

Meanwhile, Weber says that President Trump has also made life better in the areas of energy independence, national security, border enforcement and reducing the size and meddling nature of government. There is much more, too much to enumerate, says Weber. But, he adds, one of the most important achievements that Mr. Trump has made in such a short time was his appointment of Judge Neil Gorsuch to reinstate the balance of the Supreme Court.

As for legislation, the left in Congress tried desperately to stymie him every inch of the way, President Trump managed to get more done legislatively in the first 100 days in office than any President since Harry Truman.

"Sure, the repeal and replacement of Obamacare and the long overdue reform of our tax system have been delayed. But, the operative word there is 'delayed.' The Administration and the Republican majority in the Congress are committed to complete those tasks in due time and there is no doubt that they will get done."

The main thing, according to Weber, is that we no longer have ideologues in power. He says we now have "independent minded" individuals at the helm in President Trump and Vice President Pence - people who see what is broken and who have the backbone to challenge the status quo and to fix it.

"The silent majority made its voice heard loud and clear last November. You work for us, we said to our lawmakers and government officials in Washington, not the other way around. Knee-jerk nanny government leftists, people not paying genuine attention to the President's actions, and bleacher seat pundits notwithstanding, an ever increasing number of Americans are genuinely happier and increasingly confident in the President's leadership and commitment to making the fixes necessary to restore our world leadership, the strength of our economy, and increased job opportunities for Americans. A couple of years back researchers at the Marketplace-Edison organization created what they called the Anxiety Index poll. It's most recent survey shows that since Mr. Trump became president, the majority of us feel less anxious. And that - in itself - is yet another achievement under Mr. Trump's belt after eight years of worry and doubt."

ABOUT AMAC The Association of Mature American Citizens [] is a vibrant, vital senior advocacy organization that takes its marching orders from its members. We act and speak on their behalf, protecting their interests and offering a practical insight on how to best solve the problems they face today. Live long and make a difference by joining us today at

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