5 How Much is Freedom Worth? - Politics Information

How Much is Freedom Worth?

By Dr. Glenn Mollette

In America we pursue the occupation of our choice. That doesn’t mean we always like our jobs but we can choose to pursue another career or several different careers. We can choose our state, community and house. That doesn’t mean we can easily afford to live where we choose but we are free to pursue life in another neighborhood if we want to work toward such a move.

We change our lives if we have the desire and the will power. People make choices every day regarding health, habits and lifestyles. Some choose to develop themselves further and strive to be better while others may choose to do nothing.

You choose your house, your car, your clothes, and your hairstyle (if you have any). You choose what you will do on your days off from work or during your retirement years. You choose if you retire or if you just keep on working until the end.

Often, we may feel as if we don’t have choices and that we are stuck in a rut. Chances are we made choices that put us there. We have to make tough choices to climb out of the rut. We can easily become disabled physically, financially and domestically which will significantly limit our choices. Because of health, money, and maybe even age, our choices are often very limited. Most of the time, even when we have limitations, we can find freedom of choice.

The bottom line is we live in America and we cherish our freedom. We should remember our history and the great sacrifices made by so many. We should never take for granted the unimaginable hardships endured by the early settlers and every generation that has fought wars and lost tens of thousands of men and women in wars to keep our sacred and blessed freedom.

In his 1961 State of the Union address, President John F. Kennedy reminded us that every generation of Americans has had to win its freedom. We will never stay free unless we are willing to fight and sacrifice to keep our freedom.

How much is freedom worth? The brave people of Ukraine and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy are showing the world what freedom is worth. Their lives. While many of the young and aged are exiting Ukraine, President Zelenskyy and thousands are risking their lives to keep Ukraine free from the aggression of Russia and the evil of Vladimir Putin. Putin is not our friend or a friend to the free world. His path to conquer Ukraine is an Adolph Hitler move. Destroying a city and attempting to conquer a nation while killing thousands in order to increase his domain is barbaric.

In the midst of all this, we are surely reminded that we must once again become energy independent. Russia is a supplier of 40% of the natural gas used by Germany and most of Europe. They and America must stop buying energy and anything else from Russia. We have made them a rich nation while sacrificing our own independence.

Watching as Ukraine’s government hands out AK-47s and other guns surely reminds us of the importance of being able to protect ourselves. Keep your guns, stock up on your ammunition, and never vote for anyone who wants to edit our Second Amendment.

We must pray for Zelenskyy and the Ukraine people but we must also help them with whatever aid necessary to push Russia out. Keep in mind that Russia is only 55 miles from Alaska’s closest port. Putin just might decide that Russia should have Alaska back. We bought Alaska fair and square in 1867 for $7.2 million and we won’t be handing it back.

How much is freedom worth? Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the people of Ukraine are demonstrating how much freedom is worth.

Dr. Glenn Mollette is a graduate of numerous schools including Georgetown College, Southern and Lexington Seminaries in Kentucky. He is the author of 13 books including Uncommon Sense, Grandpa's Store, Minister's Guidebook insights from a fellow minister. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states.

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