On Sunday - Storm the Gates of Hell

By Dr. Glenn Mollette

.."On this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not overcome it," Matthew 16:18

Last Sunday was a day vomited up from the belly of hell itself. Satan paraded into the wide-open streets of Sutherland Springs, Texas and tried to annihilate a small God loving, Bible preaching church. He literally stormed into that church and tried to obliterate that congregation. In effect that same enemy in so many ways shook his fist and aimed his fiery gun of extinction at your church, your pulpit, your ministry and all you have ever wanted to do and be for Jesus Christ. In every way last Sunday our enemy wanted to end the existence of that First Baptist Church and the precious people of that church. However, he was also attempting to end your church. Satan showed his cruelty again. He hates babies, little children and grandmothers. He hates family and preachers of the gospel. He hates the message of the gospel and what Christianity is doing in saving souls and changing people.

My heart has been broken this week, as I have thought about the terror that gripped those precious people in Sutherland Springs last Sunday. I know those people are with Jesus today. I know he has dried their tears and they are singing a new song. We must now pray that God lifts up the church, the pastor and those remaining people and that the power of the Holy Spirit ignites them in a way unlike before. Pray please for comfort as those people are hurting.

Friend, likewise I hope you will be ignited in your service for Jesus. My heart has been broken and I have been angered by the evil that is moving across this planet. We must stand up. We cannot be hunkered down behind locked doors in fear.

The disciples were so afraid after the crucifixion of Jesus. They knew they could be next. The resurrected Jesus stood in the midst and said, "Peace be unto you." Later, after being filled with the Holy Spirit the disciples left their place of security and boldly preached Jesus Christ with power.

If there hasn't been already, I am praying that you have a defining moment in your life when the devil himself will not intimidate you. Resolve within your heart to step up in your life and church. May your service, your calling and commitment be more than ever before for Jesus.

Also, be wise. Work with your people to be on guard. The best offense is a good defense. Train your people to be on guard for those Satan may send your way to try to disrupt and hurt you or your people. You must always have two or three people or more stationed to guard your people. We must not be caught off guard again in our places of worship and service for Jesus.

Keep serving. Keep Preaching. Do not be held back or intimidated in what God has called you to do for Him. I am praying for you, your life and ministry.

For Freedom To Worship

John 20:19 Disciples behind closed doors for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and said "Peace be unto you."

Acts 4:31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

Persecution will come, Matthew 10:16 "Behold I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."

Dr. Glenn Mollette is President of Newburgh Theological Seminary, Newburgh, Indiana and the author of twelve books. Visit www.newburghseminary.com or Amazon.com to learn more about his books.

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