Pro-lifers are Under Attack by Hostile Abortion Activists

By John Grimaldi

Here’s a wake-up call: the numbers of babies killed in the womb in the U.S. since the Supreme Court legalized abortion 50 years ago has passed the 64.5 million mark-- the equivalent of the population of France, the 22nd largest nation among the 233 countries on the planet. Last June, the Supreme Court overturned its 1973 pro-abortion decision, yet the numbers of abortions nationally in the U.S. each year continues at a rate of more than half a million to as many as 900,000 as reported by the National Right to Life Committee [NRLC].

The NRLC’s Director of Education and Research, Randall O’Bannon, shares the good news, however, that “the overturning of Roe was obviously an enormously significant event in our nation’s history and a political watershed. Abortion was no longer, by the Supreme Court’s fiat, legal in all fifty states, throughout pregnancy, for any and every reason or none at all. But for pro-lifers, it represented so much more. It meant, for the first time in nearly half a century that states would have the actual legal authority to protect unborn children, in many cases, from the moment of conception forward. Lives could be saved...For those states which took the opportunity, it meant that it no longer had to be the case that 10%, 20%, 30% or even 50% of pregnancies would legally, almost automatically, end in abortion. Their laws could protect unborn children and their mothers, and the merchants of death could be limited or even put out of business,” he added.

It's good news indeed, but the fact is pro-abortion states have shown a willingness to fill the gap the Court’s ruling created. In addition, the good news is overshadowed by the growing violence against pro-life advocates and the apparent lack of concern at the FBI. Last year, particularly in the months since the Supreme Court handed down its decision in June, more than 230 pro-life churches and pregnancy support centers came under attack. It all started in May last year when the Supreme Court’s draft-copy of its decision to overturn the pro-abortion Roe-Wade ruling leaked. It was the beginning of what amounts to an organized war against pro-life advocates.

The Religious Freedom Institute [RFI] recently issued an assessment that shows how “criminal attacks on pro-life congregations and organizations across America immediately and dramatically increased. Hostile actors targeted pregnancy resource centers, education and advocacy organizations, churches, and even schools. The attacks continued at a high frequency after the Court handed down its Dobbs decision on June 24, 2022. Attackers often committed multiple crimes against the same organization, including arson, death threats, property destruction, and menacing or vile graffiti. Perpetrators attacked several of the same organizations on multiple days.”

CEO Jim Harden of CompassCare Pregnancy Services talked with Fox News about the lack of FBI protection for pro-life advocates and institutions. The CompassCare facility in Buffalo, NY was firebombed last year by pro-abortion extremists who call themselves Jane’s Revenge and, thus far, he says, the FBI has done little to identify and arrest the culprits responsible. "There's some very, very disconcerting things that are going on, and the fact that the FBI has not made any arrests is only shame on them." Jane’s Revenge, he said, admitted that they were responsible and yet neither local law enforcement nor the FBI has made any arrests. “There is a serious sickness in the body politic of America and the FBI isn’t even talking about it. It’s the largest law enforcement agency on the globe and it appears that they’re treating this like some sort of bubble gum theft.”

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