The Automated Sales Person

By Steve Martinez

Everywhere we look automation is impacting our lives. Technology allows us to automate just about everything. I marvel at the little floor sweeping robot that automatically sweeps the floor. It is amazing that we will spend so much time on a tool that improves the broom when businesses spend so little time on improving the most important aspect of their business.

What I don’t understand is the hesitation of business to automate the sales process. Is there a special rule that says, salespeople can’t or shouldn’t automate sales? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools like ACT, Sales Force, Maximizer all promote their ability to help salespeople automate the sales processes. However, there is a valid reason most salespeople or businesses can’t adopt sales automation successfully and increase sales.

The Missing Link to Automation is the Sales Process If you ask most business owners to show you their sales process, most business owners will have a funny look on their faces. Unfortunately, most sales people will share the same confused look and wonder what you are talking about.

The reason sales automation doesn't have an impact is often because the foundation of a sales process is missing. Unless a business has taken the time to document and identify the critical steps in sales, they can’t duplicate or automate the process. When a business can identify the repeatable steps to a sale, they can use the sales tools of CRM to automate sales and increase business. Typically, a business can't do this alone and needs the wisom of a Sales Management Growth Strategist to accomplish this task.

Putting the Cart before the Horse Syndrome Most businesses will focus on improving production or delivery well before they improve the sales process. I have found that the allure of equipment or machinery is what captivates many business decisions. However, when it comes to outside sales, the mistaken assumption is that a new salesperson or a new sales manager will provide sales growth. The costly investment in personnel is not the right solution. The correct solution is to improve or speed the sales process.

This is like putting the cart before the horse. Production improvement shouldn’t be ahead of sales improvement. A business should look at improving sales like they look at improving production. It is the process, not the salespeople that makes the difference. When a salesperson or a sales team is focused on following a proven sales process, sales will grow. When a business also automates these sales processes, sales will grow dramatically.

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