Listen to Your Body!

By Rebecca McClain

A business colleague recently shared with me the tremendous stress she was under. She was on disability from her job after having surgery, had broken up with her love interest of many years, going to school part-time, raising a teenage child and running a business. In her early forties she had never had acne in her entire life - until now.

The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Stress is a normal part of life and can be positive when it alerts us to impending dangers. However, negative stress can lead to physical symptoms including acne, fatigue, upset stomach, sleep deficiency, headaches, elevated blood pressure, and chest pains. Research reveals that stress can worsen many symptoms or diseases.

Our bodies were not designed to continuously overwork and take on challenges without relief or relaxation. It would be unrealistic for you not to expect to experience stress this year. But you can control stress rather than allowing it to control you. Manage stress by giving your body what it needs. There are many tips that will help to ease your stress levels, but here are just three:

1. Just Say, "No." Don't take on too much at one time. You might have to say "no" to some worthy causes, but stretching yourself too thin will ultimately affect you physically and psychologically. Trying to be a crowd pleaser is a waste of time and energy. Be selective in the tasks you choose to take on. Should you find yourself in a situation where intuitively you know that it doesn't serve your best interest, it's important that you listen to your mind, body, soul and spirit-then act accordingly. You will begin to feel in control and your stress will ease.

2. Give Your Body What it Needs. I know you hear it all the time; the body needs rest, relaxation, nutrition and exercise. But hearing it and doing it are two different things entirely. These daily regimens help to optimize your body performance and reduce stress in the progress.

Eat in moderation and reduce your consumption of fatty foods. Instead, try to eat low-carb, low fat meals. Also, fight the urge to snack when you're going through stressful periods. Applying discipline in your diet helps to maintain healthy levels of hormones and boost your energy.

Incorporate some form of workout in your daily routine to help discourage a buildup of body fat and dispel nervous energy. Your workouts need not be strenuous. Walking thirty minutes a day is soothing to the mind and eases insomnia, caused by stress.

Take intervals of "me" time to rejuvenate. Schedule frequent massages, luxuriant baths and weekend getaways to help ease tension and relieve stress. Your body needs periods of down time to reinvigorate itself.

3. Prioritize Your Life. Make a daily list of projects you need to get done. Start with the ones you can accomplish the quickest. Your stress will begin to ease as you check off your accomplishments. Tackle your most difficult chores at a time when you energy level is at its highest. Delegate certain duties to your co-workers, friends and family to help shoulder some of the load. Having a strategy or system in place will dramatically ease your stress levels.

Stress may be unavoidable, but you can take charge of it. Whether you're in a high-pressure occupation or constantly juggling family and work, they key to maintaining a healthy balance is to listen to your body, control your stress and make it work for you.

Take Charge Challenge:

When are you most stressful? Decide what measures you need to take in order to control of your stress; then start incorporating them into your life.

Rebecca McClain is founder of Life Treasures LLC, a life enrichment company. As an entrepreneur, author, speaker and life coach, she is recognized as an expert in personal and professional success.

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