How to treat acne in an effective way?

Acne is a skin disease which occurs when pores of the skin are closed by oil gland. The plugged pore forms blackheads and whiteheads, inflamed pimples and deeper nodules. It may appear on the face, neck, back, chest, shoulders and arms. This skin condition occurs mostly in the teenage and youngsters usually in the age groups of 20 to 40. Most teenagers get the lump shaped structure on their face due to their hormonal changes and awful life styles.

Acne can leave permanent scar, so early diagnosis and treatment would be good to get healthy and shiny skin. Often, acne treatment may take several years to get cured, so people need to keep patience if they are suffering from serious acne problem. It creates mental pressure on youngsters and causes social embarrassments also.

How Acne Forms?

Acne is caused by hormonal imbalance. Testosterone is a hormone which is found in both present in males and females and increases during puberty stage, and thus causes formation of pimples. This hormone stimulates the sebaceous glands (produce oil), and thus produce plugged pores.

Treatment for acne problem

The treatment may start from reducing the production of oil gland from skin. At initial stage, healthy, nutritious and balanced diets are advised along with some useful home remedies. Patients are suggested to drink as much as water they can, as water is the best elements which helps to cleanse the waste parts of the body. Water and fruit juice diminish the production of oil gland. Healthy diets may include green vegetable, fruits, milk, egg and cereals. Patients are suggested to avoid oily food as it may increase the risk of increasing the lumps and pimples on the affected areas.

Dermatologist may suggest a prescription medication that a patient may take from mouth or apply on their outer parts on the affected areas. The prescribed medication procedures include topical medication and oral medication.

Treatments of acne include following methods:

Over-the-counter topical treatments

Dermatologists suggest some lotions for the acne treatment which help to dry up the pimples and dead skin cells which promote the growth of bacteria. Over-the-counter (OTC) creams and lotions are usually mild and contain sulfur, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, resorcinol, and sulfur as an active ingredient. These lotions are helpful in perverting the growth of mild acne.

Topical treatments available by prescription

If pimples or acne don't react to Over-the-counter topical treatments are useful for the acne treatment. You may consult a specialist who may suggest you some other effective treatments. They may suggest you prescription lotion like tazarotene (Tazorac, Avage), Tretinoin (Avita, Retin-A, others), adapalene (Differin) and tazarotene (Tazorac, Avage).


Acne may make you less confident and give you a big social embarrassment, so applying some useful methods, lotions, creams, medicines and healthy diets may prevent you from this problem.

About the Author

Preeti is an expert commentator, allied with health related services for many years. His valuable insights and deep understating for health care services have helped people in a number of ways. His research based article on Acne treatments is worth to reading. For more information, visit

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