The Joy Of Living In The Zone

What do people want most in the world? What is the most sought-after goal? From the moment we awaken to the moment we close our eyes at night, what is it we seek every minute of the day?

We want to feel good. The primary motivation behind every action we take is the desire to feel happy. Even when we're focused on moving away from pain, we are, in effect, moving toward feeling good-physically, emotionally and spiritually.

What Do They Get from Opera?

As a kid, I often asked myself, "Why do people engage in life-endangering activities like sky-diving, car racing and mountain climbing?" And I wondered, "Why do people choose dangerous jobs like being a firefighter, cop or ambulance driver? I was also confounded by the large amounts of money and time people spend going to the opera, rock concerts and sports events. The budding journalist in me asked, "What do all these activities have in common? What's the compelling force driving people to invest most of their precious free time, or whole lives, in these pursuits? What, in heaven's name, are people looking for?"

A Rush Is a Rush Is a Rush!

At one point in my teens, I saw the light. It's so obvious really. We want to feel! We want to feel something.

On some level we all know that life is about feeling. If we don't feel life we miss life. And, of course, the most popular choice is to feel good. Whatever way we choose to get ourselves to feel the end goal is the same: to experience the good side of life-as fully and powerfully as possible! We want to feel really alive and happy. Some people call it Joy. Some Pleasure. Some Rush, Electricity, Juice, Fire or Passion!

The Pursuit of "The Zone"

If you listen to the language of the street throughout the world you'll hear what's on the minds of most folks. There's one prevailing theme running through most peoples' conversations. They're talking about their desire to feel good. And they want to find the quickest, easiest way to feel good. I call this the pursuit of "The Zone." The Zone is the place of feeling good. It goes by many names. On a roll. In the flow. In a groove. Steamin' Jivin' Clickin' Rockin' or Cookin'. Many different names, one essence, one feeling.

What is The Zone?

Being in The Zone is when everything goes right! You feel great! You're on top of the world. Somehow you're magically in the right place at the right time and everything is working out just like you want. To be in the flow is to be dialed into your natural state of clarity, presence and personal power. It's being free of tension, worry and draining emotions. It's living with a sense of ease, vitality and deep inner calm.

The Zone is an altered state of consciousness-a state of perfect focus, peace and high performance. When you're in The Zone you are your true self. You regain your natural intuitive ability to be where you need to be to get what you want. You don't have to effort when you're on a roll. Everything just seems to fall into place by itself. You feel expanded, bigger than life. Often you revel in the exhilarating sensation of being outside your body, controlling what's happening to you from a broader point of view.

A Space of Magic and Marvels

In major Zone adventures, your consciousness moves outside the limited physical universe. When this happens, you're no longer bound by the physical laws of time and space. You can stretch-and contract-time and space to your desire, just as sports stars who make the impossible catch or dancers who fly effortlessly across the stage. You seem to have all the time you need to do what you need to do. Life is fun when you're cookin'. You feel serenely emboldened. Life becomes a game that you enjoy playing.

Jocks and Ballerinas Share a Secret

What do top professional athletes, dancers, salespeople and detectives have in common? They have refined the pursuit of The Zone down to an art! They all appreciate the value of developing a reliable way to enter The Golden Magic Zone. They know that finding a personal portal to The Flow is the key to producing consistent peak performance.

A Wellspring of Creativity

In The Zone you achieve your goals quickly because you're tapped into your natural spiritual power. You focus on a wish and it manifests almost instantly. You do the right thing immediately without second-guessing yourself. You generate boundless energy for your job, relationships and creative pursuits. You're able to relax whenever you want and simply delight in the beauty and wonder of the Now Moment. Being consistently in the groove, you miraculously transform your life into a journey full of abundance and success.

A Mystical Place

In major Zone encounters, you tap into your innate telepathic abilities. You communicate without words. You read other peoples' intentions before they're expressed. You often know what your partner is going to say before he or she utters a word. The self-talk that is always critical is no longer there to diminish you. You feel as if you can do anything-and you do. You're in the present moment. Your mind is clear. You have a sense of inner knowing that cannot be learned from a book, but is only known by accessing it directly.

Your Natural State

Such spaces are often seen as mystical, religious states. In reality, being in The Zone is just you being more you. Being in the right place at the right time is your natural state. Recognize, cultivate and relish the times when you enter The Zone. The more consciously you acknowledge, appreciate and savor the Flow, the more accustomed you become to your natural state of feeling good! The more you vibrate with the joy of aliveness, the more you will attract people and circumstances that perpetuate your stay in The Zone!

(c) 2004, Keith Varnum. All rights in all media reserved.

About The Author

Drawing from the wisdom of native cultures and ancient spiritual traditions, Keith Varnum shares his practical approach to healing and transformation as an author, life strategy coach, acupuncturist, filmmaker, radio host, vision quest guide and international seminar leader with his empowering "Dream Workshops" and free, fun "Prosperity Ezine" at

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