7 Ways To Make You Feel Good Instantly!

How are you feeling now?

The answer to this question determines how much moneyyou will make, how big your house will be, how beautifulyour car will be, how well you will manage your relations,it determines every aspect of your life.


I am glad you are asking why, because knowing why is goingto be your first step to higher level of awareness.Once you know why, you will begin your journey ofconscious manifestation, or deliberate creation.

Let me tell you the best kept secret of all ages.


How you are feeling determines how you are vibrating,determines how you are attracting, and determines howyou are creating.

What you feel, you create.

This may not be good news for you if you are not creatingwhat you want.

We are vibrating human being, living in avibrating universe. Everything is vibrating.If you are not attracting what you want, that's becauseyou are not vibrating at the same level of vibrationas your desires are.

How do you know whether you are vibrating at the rightlevel of vibration?

God has created an accurate monitoring system withinus that will tell us exactly how we are vibrating.That is our emotional mechanism. When you arefeeling good, you are crating what you want, when youare feeling bad, you are creating what you don't want.It is as simple as that.

So we have only one thing to do, that is to keepourselves feeling good.

Remember this if you forget everything I say - "Nothing is more important than feeling good."

I am now giving you 7 ways to make you feel good instantly.

1). Use your facial muscle.

Face is the most undeveloped areas on our body.We only use less than ten percent of the expressionsthat our face can make. Use your face muscle; you canimmediately change your feeling. Put a smile on yourface for 60 seconds; see how much better you will feel.Do this three times a day until it becomes a habit.

2). Cut down the negative influence.

How much time do you spend on TV and newspaper?What are they talking about most of the time? 80%of the news is negative. We have focused too muchon the problem instead of solution. You don't helpthe world much by watching and reading the news,you only add more negative vibration to the problemand make it even worse. If you really want to help,raise your vibration by making yourself feel better.You can only help when you are vibrating at ahigher level. Remember this metaphor, "Darkness willdisappear immediately when you turn on the light."Light is a higher level of vibration.

So stop watching TV and stop reading the newspaper.Experiment with this for a week, see how you've instantlyraised you vibration.

3). Feed your mind with positive f mental food.

Read inspirational books, study life of spiritual people.The higher form of vibration is embedded in the words,it will resonate your mind once you are ready.Make it a habit to read at least 15 minutes before youretire at night.

4). Listen to inspirational music.

Music itself is a form of vibration. People havediscovered ways to use music as a method of therapy,this is because music can restore peace and bringback order through vibration. Music will work likea charm if it is embedded with subliminal messages.Think about it, what a wonderful idea when you enjoylistening to a beautiful music, and someone is whisperingto your subconscious mind with all the positive messages.The best program of this kind I have found is a programcalled "Make every day a great day". Listen to it 30minutes a day, you will immediately raise your levelof vibration. You can check out this program at


5). 17 seconds of flip switch.

I have talked about flip switch several times in myprevious articles. I really want you to get this.Because this is the most important skill you can learn.Unlike any other techniques that make you feelmotivated for a moment, and then you quickly go backto your comfort zone. Flip switch is to make you feela little bit better at the moment. This is critical.It makes you feel a little bit better, but it stopsthe process of accumulating negative emotions.You do this by holding a positive feeling for 17 seconds.Yes, 17 seconds of feeling good will immediately cancelout all the negative emotions your previously accumulated.This is powerful stuff. I want you really put itinto practice. Flip switch any time you feel worry,fear, and anger. I learn this wonderful technique fromthe legendary peak performance expert Dr Robert Anthony.Check out his program here


6). Reach to the thought that feels the best.

This is also a technique that Dr Robert Anthony revealsin his program. I find it works extremely well.Any time you feel down, say this to your self "Reachfor the thought that feels the best." This is alwaysthe best thing you ca do under any circumstances. If youcan constantly reach to the thought that feels the best.You will quickly increase your level of awareness,and reach to the ultimate enlightenment.

Here is an important point that I have discovered,and you must be aware of it. Don't expect to feelimmediately excited when you first use this technique.That will rarely happen. Let me take an exampleof jumping, if you currently can jump a height of 1 meter,you can't expect to immediately reach to 2 meters.You can only increase your height a little bit higher,and you do this little by little, in the end you willreach to the highest level. So "reach to the thoughtthat feels the best" doest not mean you must feelimmediately excited. It just means the highest vibrationwhat you can feel now.

7). Send out your love.

There is no force stronger than love. In my opinion,love is the highest vibration. The more love you send out,and the more love will come back to you. Love everything,Love your friends, love your enemies. Love the world.Look at the sky, and say I love you "God". Acknowledgethe divine spirit within yourself, and say I love myself.You shall immediately raise your vibration.

I send you love.

song chengxiang

Song ChengXiang is the editor "The UltimateSuccess Secrets" Newsletter, and the authorof "Rapid Manifestation" online course.Sign up "The Ultimate Success Secrets" Newsletter andget fresh, original, new articles every week withvarious methods and techniques you can use to rapidlyattract any desires you have, and keep up to dateon hot new self improvement ebooks and programs.Serious Only. http://www.theultimatesecrets.com

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