Under Carpet Heating In The Nursery - To Help Your Baby Sleep Through The Night And More!

As new parents, we all want what's best for our babies. There are so many things to worry about, not the least of which are colds, allergies, sleeping through the night, and keeping their delicate skin soft and moisturized. So, you ask, what can I do to help with all of these dilemmas? The answer is a product that is little-known to the general public, called under carpet heating, which eliminates several problems with your traditional forced air heating systems that can result in all of these concerns and more.

Have you ever wondered why your children always have a cold or a runny nose? Your children spend most of their time very close to or on the floor. If you have ever laid down there with them, you may have noticed that it is much colder than a few feet higher, where we, as adults, are normally and may not notice as much. With traditional systems, heat is blown throughout the room, and it doesn't even reach the floor, where your baby or toddler is. The reason being, heat rises, and before it can even reach the floor, it starts rising to the ceiling, leaving your babies considerably colder than the adults in the room. With electric radiant underfloor heating, you can completely eliminate this problem. The soothing heat radiates from under your carpet, gently warming your baby or toddler, keeping them more comfortable, warmer, and therefore healthier.

Allergies are another concern with many parents. Once again, your traditional heating systems can be a culprit. Forced air systems are constantly circulating dust, dander, germs, bacteria, mold, mildew, and other environmental troublemakers. Even with the most expensive filters available, you are still circulating all of these potential allergens and contaminates around your home. By simply closing off your central heating vents and heating with electric radiant floor heating, you reduce these risks greatly. With nothing to circulate all of these allergens, everything just simply settles, and you can easily rid your home of these problems by simply dusting and vacuuming regularly.

Another issue that we, as parents, wrestle with is getting our babies to sleep through the night. Research shows that when we are at an ideal body temperature, we sleep better. If your extremities are cold, inhibiting the free flow of blood, your sleep hormones fail to kick in, and restless insomnia prevails. Scientists also speculate that some sleep disorders may be caused by poor circulation and an inability to widen blood vessels in the hands and feet, which can be corrected with temperature regulation. With radiant heat, you have a quiet, soothing warmth that gently warms your baby throughout the night. The result being a restful, peaceful sleep throughout the night.

An additional downfall to forced air heating that radiant heating does away with is the drying of the air and in return, your baby's skin. Forced air actually burns the air while it is heating it, removing most of its moisture content, causing your baby's skin to dry out and chafe. Radiant heat does not affect the moisture content of the air, saving you from having to buy a humidifier and applying lotions that can often times irritate your baby's skin anyway.

In conclusion, I am not saying that radiant heat is the answer to all of your problems or that forced air is evil. However, radiant heat is just another weapon that we, as parents, can put in our arsenal to combat some of the problems that we have had to endure for centuries (i.e. colds, allergies, insomnia, and skin care).

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