Physical Therapy Schools

Physical Therapy Schools administer course instruction to potential physical therapists. Physical therapy schools help students to meet physical therapy requirements and the ability to pass a licensure exam before physical therapists can begin to practice. Physical therapy schools offer accredited physical therapist educational programs that may include masters' degress, and doctoral degrees.

Physical Therapy Schools incorporate course instruction including biology, chemistry and physics. Physical therapy schools further give instruction on biomechanics, neuroanatomy, human growth and development, disease manisfestations, examination techniques, and therpeutic procedures. Physical therapy schools also utilize classroom, laboratory and clinical instruction.

When applying for enrollment in one of the many physical therapy schools, it is wise to have had previous school instruction courses in anatomy, biology, chemistry, social sciences, mathematics and physics. Like occupational therapy, physical therapy schools also prefer students to have volunteered or worked in a medical facility.

The potential for career expansion and development (in addition to client help and healing) is very broad for students entering and acquiring education through physical therapy school. To learn more about physical therapy schools or to locate a Physical Therapist near you, please see our school directory for a physical therapy schools and physical therapists at!

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Physical Therapy Schools
by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot in conjunction with Holistic Junction

About the Author:
C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot is the Public Relations Director & Writer for Holistic Junction -- Your source of information for Holistic Practitioners; Naturopathic Schools, Physical Therapy Schools, and Massage Schools; Alternative Healthcare; Insightful Literature and so much more!

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