Entrepreneurialism Information

Why Many Business Owners Don’t Want Their Kids to Inherit the Company

Being a business owner is considered an “American Dream” by many, yet when it comes to succession planning, a recent survey reveals that not everyone feels the same way about passing the torch onto their children.

Women Business Owners are Optimistic and Confident

Women and men who own small and mid-sized businesses are typically more aligned than they are different in their viewpoints about the economy. Now – more than ever – this is especially true as it relates to their optimism about running their businesses, according to PNC’s latest Economic Outlook Survey.

Tips to Help You Start a Business in the New Year

Millions of new businesses are formed nationwide each year and women of color are leading the charge. The Wells Fargo Impact of Women-Owned Businesses Report found that Black women are one of the fastest-growing groups of entrepreneurs in the United States, representing 14.8% of all women-owned businesses, and Hispanic/Latina women represent 14.3% of all women-owned businesses.

A Business of Your Own Using Other People's Money Exclusively

If you are not in a closet, you know that the crazy world of real estate can provide returns considerably above those offered by any bank or mutual fund. 15-2,500 % returns are available. WE are not talking about the unethical and immoral MLM crap but instead, a rather simple way to buy or start your own business “risk free”.

Why Become an Entrepreneur?

There are three basic reasons to consider becoming an entrepreneur:

Freelancers and Taxes: An LLC's Perspective

When I was laid off from my last “secure” paying job I mentioned to my wife that I wanted to go into business for myself. With two small children at home, a mortgage to pay, and enough other expenses hanging over our heads, this option seemed somewhat crazy.

NO Grants for Profit Seeking Start-up Businesses [Only for Non Profits]

Do not pay for any help to obtain a grant to start a small business. Grants do not exist for small businesses UNLESS the small business owner wants it to be a non-profit and are willing to be audited and give that money to others.

Presenting a New Technology to a Venture Capitalist

When presenting a Business Plan for a new Startup Technology Company to a Venture Capitalist you need to understand that they are looking for a one to three year kill. In other words they wish to fund a company that can be sold for 10 times or more their investment in three years.

Presenting Your Business Plan to an Angel Investor

When presenting your business plan to an angel investor you must understand that they will be very interested in your spreadsheets and proformas, but you must also realize that it is typically an entrepreneurial optimistic approach, which causes problems with proformas.

More College Students Getting Involved in Online Entrepreneurship - Students Beware!

College students, and even a number of high school students are thinking about or already running a business online. Student don't have tens of thousands of dollars to do any physical business, so they are taking advantage of the easily accessible internet.

Do you Feel Confident about Buying the Business?

After years of working for other people you decided it is time to take the plunge you feel it is time to purchase your own business. The model you are looking at seems to be perfect, however your gut instinct tells you there is something not quiet right.

How High is Your Credibility Quotient?

As business owners we all strive to increase our sales and profits. Yet often in our quest to get ahead, we can end up sabotaging our own success. We can lose our credibility in any number of ways through negative behavior--the stroke of a pen or key, a loose tongue or bad attitude. We can further damage our credibility due to a lack of credentials.

4 Tips to Grow Cash Flow For Your Small Business

As every small business owner soon learns, growing sources of revenue and cash flow are key to survival, particularly during a venture’s first few years. While this is easier said than done, small businesses can focus on attracting new customers, building partnerships and scaling up sustainably to improve cash flow.

Does Your Business Qualify for the ERC Federal Assistance Program?

The strength of the country relies on its estimated 33.2 million small businesses, which comprise 99.9 percent of all American businesses. COVID threatened, and in some cases forced, the closure of many small enterprises and tens of thousands are still reeling from the aftermath of the full pandemic.

The Greatest Entrepreneurial Secret

The greatest entrepreneurial secret is become a recognized expert in your business world. Whether your a banker, sales professional, contractor, retailer, masseuse, medical professional, or lawyer, being a recognized expert in your field creates an identity you cannot buy

PI - Dress for Success

There are a plethora of books on the market advising how to assemble a power wardrobe to convey the image of success, stability, conservatism and reliability in the business world.

Black Sleuth

Afro American private investigators are not very visible in the sleuthing business, but there are a few who have established themselves and their agencies in the industry providing quality and needed services to their clients.

Where Will You Be In 5 Years?

Whether you are an employee in a manufacturing plant or the CEO of the company, your job may be eliminated at any point with little to no notice. You may even have 20 to 30 years on the job and still find yourself in an unemployment line, benefits running out and having difficulty finding a job due to lack of experience and training in other areas, age related health problems and many other factors that will decide your future employment.

Be an Entrepreneur: Work From Home with ADHD

You have a great idea: making jewelry, children's games, or the best widgets ever, and you want to do it from home.

Don't Spend a Dime on Home Typing Programs Until You Read My Review!

You've seen these ads "Earn $1000 a day typing!"Well these are basically websites that offers a step by step tutorial on how to go about making money typing from home. It is a real simple process of typing a few lines of data and submitting it over the Internet.

Five Steps Of Learning And Retention... How To More Effectively Grow Your Business With New Ideas

Learning - the acquisition of new information or knowledge, and Retention - the ability to capture that information and recall it when wanted or needed, is actually a process that involves five steps:

Dropship on the WWW

There is no doubt that you can dropship on the WWW (world wide web) and make a substantial additional income by selling wholesale items on eBay or through an online website.

Alpacas - What are They Good for?

Alpacas. By now most people have heard of this exotic livestock, but why would anyone want to own them? Here are four answers to "What are they good for?".

License Required

Before you can open for business, you must first get a license. There are several types of license that may be needed before you begin operation. Without the proper permits, you may be operating your business illegally.

That "Four Letter Word" that Entrepreneurs Avoid That Can Make or Break Your Success

I'm in a room of 100 entrepreneurs. It's time to ask the dreaded "four letter word" questions. The questions about how you PLAN for your business.

How You Can Find The Secret To Making Money That You As An Entrepreneur Needs To Know Now

The Secret that the entrepreneur needs to know, is known by every successful entrepreneur. If this secret is not understood, 85% of all new businesses will fail in their first year.

More Resources

Business Is No Guarantee of Riches
Q: I'm thinking about starting a business since that seems to be how most rich people get rich. I don't have any business experience or much money, but I'm a fast learner and have lots of energy.
Key to Starting Your Own Clothing Company
Starting your own private label clothing company is not as difficult as you may think. I assure you that the founding members of Volcom, Paul Frank, Hurley and Von Dutch, are not mad geniuses of fashion.
How to Start a Franchise
Franchising InformationFranchise oppotunities are all around us today. You may pop into Starbucksfor coffee and then head for lunch at MacDonalds before returning home andordering your dinner from another local franchise, Pizza Hut.
Realism vs. Optimism in the Business Plan
The most important function of a business plan is to create interest among investors so that they write a check. In achieving this goal, business plan writers are often challenged by determining the proper level of optimism in their plan.
Time Management Tips for Solo Entrepreneurs
Does it seem like everyone and everything is vying for yourattention all at once? It can be hard for solo entrepreneursto know what to do first, let alone try to find the time to get caught up. Here are some time management tips that will help youto stay on top of it all:1.
Developing A Contract
As a service provider, the most important type of "boundary" you can set as a business owner involves those policies and procedures that govern how you interact with your clients. The more precise you can be about the services you provide, your fee structure, and what you expect from your clients, the smoother your work relationships will be.
7 Small Business and Self Employed Law of Attraction Principles For Success
It is widely held that one of the most important ingredients in small business success is perseverance. Deciding on a strategy and sticking with it.
Franchise Business and Franchise Businesses
Franchise business is being part of a successfully proven business that has a name or trademark that is well known and profitable. Franchise businesses are strategically tried and marketable with options to expand by offering products and services that appeal to the consumer.
What Part of Handwriting on the Wall Dont You Understand - They Dont Hire People Over 50
In a recent talk to the Detroit Economic Club, President Bush told of a powerful statement made to John Bailey by his wife, "Just what part of the writing on the wall don't your understand - companies don't want people over 50!" The White House staff had become aware of an amazing story of entrepreneurial success stemming from John's wife's words.John's wife was very quick to read the writing on the wall, rationalizing that it would be virtually impossible for John to find a new job.
Dream It, Create It, Become It! Design a Dream Board
Have you ever heard of "Dream Boards" or "Treasure Maps"? A Dream Board is a visual picture of the dreams you have for your life. Some of my clients also use this concept to visualize their businesses! It's their first business plan.
The Use of Common Stock in Venture Capital Transactions
When raising capital for a business venture, a company can either raise debt capital, equity capital or a combination of the two. Debt capital is money loaned to the company at an agreed interest rate for a fixed time period.
Entrepreneurial Business Plan The Down And Dirty Way
Does the idea of running your own business sound exciting? Do you have a business up and running and want to take it to the next level?After coaching hundreds of entrepreneurs at various stages of their evolution, I've found that the answers to these 5 questions can make or break any endeavor. Of course there are lots of other areas that must be addressed, however these will get you moving in the right direction quickly.
How To Find Focus And Turn Your Talent Into A Thriving Professional Business
There are tons of books and articles available to help professionals start up their business, but few that give practical insights on how to nurture your business once it's out of its infancy. At some point, every self-employed professional reaches the same dilemma: how to build a strong brand and grow their business without taking on too many clients, undervaluing their expertise, or sacrificing their lifestyle.
Youth Entrepreneurship, A Disappointing Truth
The psychology of entrepreneurship can be very rewarding to one who dreams of starting their own business. The freedom of being your own boss has billions of people seeking financial independence and other entrepreneurial expectations.
Oil Change Guys History; Part II
Franchise companies are not born they are made and when studying the history of franchise companies, it is amazing how similar they really are. To continue this story we are in the height of the Dot Com Bubble with money flowing in Silicon Valley and personal services and labor is at a premium indeed;Before Oil Maxx's downfall, Oil Maxx with the foresight of Mr.
The Entrepreneurs Dilemma
In business, you plan to protect your inventory, your unique ideas and approach, and your money. It's easy to replenish inventory, come up with new ideas and make more money.
Is Running a Business for You?
Not everyone is cut out to run a business. Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur.
How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur on the Web
Becoming a successful entrepreneur in the online world is no different than becoming a successful entrepreneur in the brick-and-mortar world. Both tasks require vision, determination, and hard work.
Six Degrees of Separation
Through just five or six intermediaries, you could be linked to millions of others. It is the notion behind what has been dubbed the small world effect.
PR That Entrepreneurs Often Overlook
If that sounds like you, here's what you may be missing once the new enterprise is launchedPublic relations that really does something about the behaviors of those key outside audiences that most affect your new enterprise.PR that uses a fundamental blueprint to deliver external stakeholder behavior change - the kind that leads directly to achieving your venture's objectives.

More Entrepreneurialism Information:

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Franchise Business and Franchise Businesses

Franchise business is being part of a successfully proven business that has a name or trademark that is well known and profitable. Franchise businesses are strategically tried and marketable with options to expand by offering products and services that appeal to the consumer.

Entrepreneurs - Your Well Being Should Come Before Profits

I believe the spiritual aspect of life, especially to entrepreneurs, is very important. While business may be the focal point for an entrepreneur's life, it's your outlook on life that shapes what kind of person you are.

Have You Been Thinking About Owning Your Own Business? Or Becoming An Entrepreneur? Part 1

Almost every day, I talk with people who want to start their own home-based businesses. I receive an interesting reaction when I ask people, "What are you looking for in a home-based business?" The most common response I get is, "Umm, well .

Its Good to Know Your Banker

Recently my bank opened a new branch that is a few miles away from my house. I used to visit the local branch that was located in the grocery store and enjoyed seeing the ladies on a weekly basis who were the tellers.

Work On, Not In Your Business

Are you busy? Everyone's busy! Ask anyone they'll tell you how busy they are. But how many people are accomplishing real results?In your small business, it's easy to get buried in the myriad activities that demand your attention each day.

Hurricane Katrina, Death, and a Different Type of Entrepreneurship

I've seen terrible images today on the television and internet-bodies of the elderly and infants floating in attics, buildings collapsing, seals washing up in the middle of highways. All I can say is that our thoughts go out to those in New Orleans, Gulfport and surrounding areas in this sad time.

Four Steps to Entrepreneurship

As more and more people start or consider starting their own business, it is important that they understand the core steps that are required to launch successful ventures. These steps include spotting, assessing, selecting and executing upon opportunities.

Key to Starting Your Own Clothing Company

Starting your own private label clothing company is not as difficult as you may think. I assure you that the founding members of Volcom, Paul Frank, Hurley and Von Dutch, are not mad geniuses of fashion.

Six Degrees of Separation

Through just five or six intermediaries, you could be linked to millions of others. It is the notion behind what has been dubbed the small world effect.

3 Essential Elements of Operating a Successful Business

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to live your dream? A good place to start would be to recognize that there are three elements, and only three elements, that separate success from failure. If you exercise one of the elements, you might just be successful.

Double Your Income Automatically

It is a common known fact that it is far cheaper to keep an existing customer then it is to acquire a new customer. With this fact in mind you need to do everything possible to keep your existing customers happy and find complimentary products to offer your existing customers.

16 Vital Traits Shared by All Successful Entrepreneurs

The first step in deciding whether to start a business is to ask yourself this important question: "Do I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?" A variety of experts have documented research that indicates that successful small business entrepreneurs, whether male or female, have some common characteristics. How do you measure up? It will be up to you —not someone else telling you — to develop projects, organize your time and follow through on details.

The Lonely Hat: A Marketing Parable

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An Entrepreneur Is

An entrepreneur is an innovator. She sees a need in the marketplace and creates something new to fulfill that need or improves upon an existing mechanism that already fulfills that need.

9 sure fire ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

This article outlines nine easy methods to drive traffic to any blog. Readers will find instant suggestions on how to both generate traffic and monetize their site in order to earn a steady income from it.