Aligning The Stars

By Drew Stevens PhD

Lose is a terrible thing. Losing a loved one is terrible, getting terminated- distasteful, both in one year; horrific! Such events plunge people into the quicksand of depression. What about lose of your desire, lose of your purpose, or meaning? Several years ago I did lose my mother in law, three jobs and almost my family in one year. My purpose and my mission were abandoned.

If you find yourself aimless and seek to find your mission, then you can find ways to align the stars. Rather than question, "Why me"? Perhaps it is time to ask "Why not me"?

Here are some thoughts to assist your mission, align the stars and live the remainder of your life with a purpose.

1. Stop manifesting in self-doubt. We tend to wallow too much in despair. What you focus on you become. Become great by focusing on the positive!

2. Listen. Stop and smell the roses. By this I mean listen to all around you, friends, colleagues, peers, the Lord. Professional Speaking did not enter my mind until someone suggested teaching.

3. Stop looking for the perfection. Success comes from not using the elevator of life but one step at a time. If you love what you do the money will come to you. Refrain from trying to make your world perfect... it doen't exist.

4. Build a brand or message that emotionally and intelligently involves the client. Too much competition today confuses clients, seek differentiation and illustrate value.

5. Ironically, 63% of us go at least 10 mph or more over the speed limit. We drive 70 mph on a dark and slick road. 81% drink at a social gathering and drive home. We choose not to take risk because we believe we are not ready. Fact, you will never be ready! Risk is about confidence, risk is about self worth. If you are confident, you will take the risk. If you are passionate, you will take the risk and if you have self worth, you will take the risk.

6. Passion comes from the Greek word entheos which means to be filled with God. When you are filled in spirit you are instantly filled with energy and inspiration. Find something you are passionate about and you will make money at it.

7. Confidence is the attitude of 80-year-old women that attends college to get her bachelor's degree or Thomas Edison that tried 10,000 times to get it right! If you are confident in your abilities you can achieve anything you set your mind to!

8. Competence. People seek you and your services because of your expertise. Illustrated your expertise with speaking, consulting, writing articles or anything else that attracts people to you. Your expertise will be sought only if you show it.

Confidence plus passion, plus, market need plus competence begets success. Success is easy if you know where to look. You do not have to point true north or west, simply at yourself. Success begins with you. As Loa Tzu once stated the journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step. You must make a move. Live each day in acquisition, live each day in passion, live each day knowing that your success lies within you not in others.

Addtional Success Tips

1. Keep raising the bar
Look for new and innovative ways to achieve results

2. Results are about choices you make
You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

3. Winning is about hits not home runs
Each day, each goal, each success is movement toward your dream.

4. Be a student of the game.
Learn what you did right and keep on doing it.

Drew Stevens PhD is known as the Sales Strategist. Dr. Drew creates more revenues in less time. He is the author of seven books including Split Second Selling and Split Second Customer Service and Little Book of Hope and is frequently called on the media for his expertise. Sign up for Dr. Drew's newsletter The Sales Strategist at ( and review his new book Split Second Selling at Also visit Dr. Drew's Blog located at

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