Developing A Successful Mindset

By Ian Broadmore

So do you want to be successful, happy & rich? Or are you envious of what others have? Do you identify with failure and blame and living a life of mediocrity and poverty?

When we get up in the morning raring to go what’s the first thing on your mind? Is it having a great day or the thought and terror of what lies ahead?

If you are in any form of sales, and most of the population seem to be in one way or another do you think about yourself or your customers? Are you more concerned with failing and what may go wrong, or being successful?

Are you telling yourself your products or services are not good enough, or your company cant deliver on time, or your not good enough or your product or service is to expensive?

What you are doing is mentally rehearsing failure. You are setting yourself up to fail before you’ve even started the day!

In time you actually condition your brain to negative thought practices which results in negative actions and underachievement.

Success requires planning, self responsibility and developing a high degree of self belief. But it’s more than that, its developing a right attitude, building relationships and having goals.

It’s been said that having Hope is a prerequisite, but I believe there are two sorts of hope. No hope & Bob hope & Bobs dead!

What you need is a can do attitude, not an I will try; there is no such word as try in the successful mindset only do.

Tryers fail before they start, doers make mountains move.

Your mind is your most valuable asset; you need to take responsibility for its running because your thoughts dictate your actions and life.

What you think and how you think it produces your success (or failure), your thoughts provide your ideas, motivation, behaviour, action and results.

You are where you are in life because at a sub conscious level you choose to be there!.

Nothing has ever been created by man in the world with out someone first having a thought; the thought was changed into an idea. That idea was transformed into a plan and that plan into a result.

Success is 80% of what you think and 20% of what you do. Your beliefs are the building blocks of your life, the foundations of your success.

We are conditioned since childhood to believe certain things, don’t do that, don’t make a fool of your self, don’t take risks. To the point that by the time we reach adulthood we have been successful programmed to think and act in a certain way!

What I say to you is this. Don’t limit your thinking, it’s a clich? but think outside the box, break the mould be different, be daring. Take risks and success will surely follow. Don’t blame others for your failure, take responsibility for your own actions and live a life without fear.

Know, don’t believe but KNOW that you can change your life and be successful.

Build emphatic relationships in your business and personal life; listen to all points of view. Put yourself in the shoes of the other person and see the world through their eyes, consider how others perceive the situation, how they see you. Would you want to do business with you? If you lack empathy you are likely to misread the situation. And intentions of others.

Have integrity in your dealings. Integrity will give you pride and self respect, it will give you values, morale’s and principles on which to act and conduct your business. Treat other with the honesty and degree of respect you would expect to be treated with yourself.

Having goals and going for those dreams of success and happiness are what inspire us to live our lives with passion and ultimately fulfilment.

Don’t have regrets or dwell on past failures. Look upon them as steps to where you want to be, the best lessons in life come from our failures not our successes! Learn by your setbacks and turn them to your advantage, turn your negative experiences into your positive outcomes. Make your challenges opportunities for growth.

Be passionate about what you do, have a fire burning inside you to be successful and you will. Feel invincible and know you can accomplish whatever you desire, KNOW that you can & WILL make it happen.

Don’t hide your light under a bushel, you have skills, abilities, experience and knowledge that others don’t have. Use them, be proud of them, share them with others and reap the rewards.

You are a unique individual; use that uniqueness to your advantage. Never, never, never give up. No matter how many times you stumble, no matter what obstacles confront you, no matter what others may say to shake your confidence persevere to the end goal.

Get inspired, imagine how great your life would be from all viewpoints, financially, spiritually, fulfilment, career, lifestyle. See yourself as having already achieved your goals, see the future you, and make it big, bold, and full of colour, like a movie playing in your brain. Feel how good it feels so you can taste success and you surely will.

There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge." Napoleon Hill (1883-1970)

Ian Broadmore ©2006 e mail This article m ay be reproduced provided credit is given to the author.

Ian Broadmore, founder and Managing Director of the Harley Street based Abintra Clinic ( .As one of the UK’s leading clinical Hypnotherapist ,coach and stress management specialists, Ian is renowned for using the very latest and most advanced behavioural change techniques in order to achieve fast and effective results for his clients. About Ian Broadmore Ian Broadmore (D.Hyp-Psy, SQHP, MIAH, MNHR) is a leading Hypnotherapist, coach, and stress management specialist who provides a range of life-changing solutions to individuals, companies and business executives. He has more than 15 years experience in hypnotherapy, coaching and behavioural change, and was awarded a senior qualification in hypnotherapy practice from the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council.

For more information, please visit

Company Contact: Ian Broadmore Tel: +44 (0) 7970 344365 Email: Website:

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